DotNext.Net.Cluster by .NET Foundation and Contributors

<PackageReference Include="DotNext.Net.Cluster" Version="5.0.1" />

.NET API 644,504 bytes


Namespace with 26 public types


 ConsensusOnlyState Represents lightweight Raft node state that is suitable for distributed consensus only.
 LogEntriesBufferingOptions Represents buffering options used for batch processing of log entries.
 LogEntryBufferingOptions Represents options for creating buffered Raft log entries.
 RaftCluster Represents default implementation of Raft-based cluster.
 RaftClusterMemberEventArgs`1 Represents arguments for all events related to Raft cluster members.
 RaftProtocolException Represents violation of Raft protocol.


 BinaryLogEntry Represents default implementation of .
 BinaryLogEntry`1 Represents a log entry with binary payload.
 BufferedLogEntry Represents buffered log entry.
 BufferedLogEntryList Represents log entry producer that allows to bufferize log entries from another producer.
 ElectionTimeout Represents leader election timeout.
 EmptyLogEntry Represents No-OP entry.
 JsonLogEntry`1 Represents JSON-serializable log entry.
 Result`1 Represents RPC response.


 HeartbeatResult A result of heartbeat processing returned by the Follower member.
 PreVoteResult Represents a result of pre-voting phase.

 Abstract Classes

 DiskBasedStateMachine Represents disk-based state machine.
 MemoryBasedStateMachine Represents memory-based state machine with snapshotting support.
 PersistentState Represents general purpose persistent audit trail compatible with Raft algorithm.
 RaftCluster`1 Represents transport-independent implementation of Raft protocol.
 RaftClusterMember Represents Raft cluster member that is accessible through the network.


 IClusterMemberConfiguration Represents configuration of cluster member.
 IPersistentState Represents persistent state of local cluster member required by Raft consensus protocol.
 IRaftCluster Represents cluster of nodes coordinated using Raft consensus protocol.
 IRaftClusterMember Represents cluster member accessible through Raft protocol.
 IRaftLogEntry Represents log entry in Raft audit trail.