DotNext.Threading by .NET Foundation and Contributors

<PackageReference Include="DotNext.Threading" Version="5.10.0" />


Namespace with 25 public types


 AsyncAutoResetEvent Represents asynchronous version of .
 AsyncBarrier Enables multiple tasks to cooperatively work on an algorithm in parallel through multiple phases.
 AsyncCorrelationSource`2 Represents pub/sub synchronization primitive when each event has unique identifier.
 AsyncCountdownEvent Represents a synchronization primitive that is signaled when its count reaches zero.
 AsyncCounter Represents a synchronization primitive that is signaled when its count becomes non-zero.
 AsyncEventHub Represents a collection of asynchronous events.
 AsyncExchanger`1 Represents a synchronization point at which two async flows can cooperate and swap elements within pairs.
 AsyncExclusiveLock Represents asynchronous mutually exclusive lock.
 AsyncLazy`1 Provides support for asynchronous lazy initialization.
 AsyncManualResetEvent Represents asynchronous version of .
 AsyncReaderWriterLock Represents asynchronous version of .
 AsyncSharedLock Represents a lock that can be acquired in exclusive or weak mode.
 AsyncTrigger Represents asynchronous trigger that allows to resume and suspend concurrent flows.
 ExchangeTerminatedException Indicates that the exchange has been terminated by the one of participants.
 PendingTaskInterruptedException The exception that is thrown when pending asynchronous task is interrupted while it is in waiting state.
 QueuedSynchronizer Provides a framework for implementing asynchronous locks and related synchronization primitives that rely on first-in-first-out (FIFO) wait queues.


 AsyncLock Unified representation of asynchronous exclusive lock, semaphore lock, read lock, write lock or upgradeable read lock.

 Static Classes

 AsyncBridge Allows to turn and into task.
 AsyncLockAcquisition Provides a set of methods to acquire different types of asynchronous lock.
 LinkedTokenSourceFactory Represents helper methods for working with linked cancellation tokens.
 Scheduler Represents timer-based scheduler.

 Abstract Classes

 LinkedCancellationTokenSource Gets cancellation token source that allows to obtain the token that causes cancellation.
 QueuedSynchronizer`1 Provides low-level infrastructure for writing custom synchronization primitives.


 IAsyncEvent Represents asynchronous event.
 IAsyncResetEvent Represents asynchronous flow synchronization event.