DotNext by Roman Sakno

<PackageReference Include="DotNext" Version="2.3.0" />

.NET API 279,552 bytes


Namespace with 47 public types


 BitwiseComparer`1 Represents bitwise comparer for the arbitrary value type.
 GenericArgumentException The exception that is thrown when one of the generic arguments provided to a type is not valid.
 GenericArgumentException`1 The exception that is thrown when one of the generic arguments provided to a type is not valid.


 Enum`1 Provides strongly typed way to reflect enum type.
 EnumerableTuple`2 Represents tuple as enumerable collection.
 EqualityComparerBuilder`1 Generates hash code and equality check functions for the particular type.
 Optional`1 A container object which may or may not contain a value.
 Result`1 Represents a result of operation which can be actual result or exception.
 UserDataSlot`1 Uniquely identifies user data which can be associated with any object.
 UserDataStorage Provides access to user data associated with the object.
 ValueAction Represents a pointer to parameterless method with return type.
 ValueAction`1 Represents a pointer to the method with single parameter and return type.
 ValueAction`2 Represents a pointer to the method with two parameters and return type.
 ValueAction`3 Represents a pointer to the method with three parameters and return type.
 ValueAction`4 Represents a pointer to the method with fourth parameters and return type.
 ValueAction`5 Represents a pointer to the method with fifth parameters and return type.
 ValueFunc`1 Represents a pointer to parameterless method with return type.
 ValueFunc`2 Represents a pointer to the method with single parameter and return type.
 ValueFunc`3 Represents a pointer to the method with two parameters and return type.
 ValueFunc`4 Represents a pointer to the method with three parameters and return type.
 ValueFunc`5 Represents a pointer to the method with four parameters and return type.
 ValueFunc`6 Represents a pointer to the method with five parameters and return type.
 ValueRefAction`2 Represents action that accepts arbitrary value by reference.
 ValueRefFunc`3 Represents function that accepts arbitrary value by reference.


 BoundType Indicates whether an endpoint of some range is contained in the range itself ("closed") or not ("open").

 Static Classes

 Comparison Provides generic methods to work with comparable values.
 Converter Provides extension methods for delegate and predefined converters.
 DelegateHelpers Represents various extensions of delegates.
 EnumConverter Provides conversion between enum value and primitive types.
 EnumerableTuple Provides static methods allow to convert tuples into enumerable collections.
 Func Provides extension methods for delegate and predefined functions.
 ObjectExtensions Various extension methods for reference types.
 OneDimensionalArray Provides specialized methods to work with one-dimensional array.
 Optional Various extension and factory methods for constructing optional value.
 Predicate Provides extension methods for type and predefined predicates.
 RandomExtensions Provides random data generation.
 Result Represents extension methods for type .
 Sequence Various methods to work with classes implementing interface.
 Span Provides extension methods for type and .
 StringExtensions Represents various extension methods for type .
 ValueTypeExtensions Various extensions for value types.

 Abstract Classes

 Disposable Provides implementation of dispose pattern.


 ICallable Represents common interface for typed method pointers.
 ICallable`1 Represents common interface for typed method pointers.
 IConvertible`1 Represents common interface for objects that support explicit conversion to the particular type.