DotNext by Roman Sakno

<PackageReference Include="DotNext" Version="2.3.0" />

.NET API 279,552 bytes


public static class ValueTypeExtensions
Various extensions for value types.
public static IntPtr Add(this IntPtr x, IntPtr y)

Adds twp specified native integers.

public static UIntPtr Add(this UIntPtr x, UIntPtr y)

Adds twp specified native integers.

public static IntPtr AddChecked(this IntPtr x, IntPtr y)

Adds two specified native integers.

public static UIntPtr AddChecked(this UIntPtr x, UIntPtr y)

Adds two specified native integers.

public static UIntPtr And(this UIntPtr x, UIntPtr y)

Computes the bitwise AND of two native integer values.

public static IntPtr And(this IntPtr x, IntPtr y)

Computes the bitwise AND of two native integer values.

public static IntPtr Decrement(this IntPtr value)

Decrements native integer by 1.

public static UIntPtr Decrement(this UIntPtr value)

Decrements native integer by 1.

public static IntPtr Divide(this IntPtr x, IntPtr y)

Divides two specified native integers.

public static UIntPtr Divide(this UIntPtr x, UIntPtr y)

Divides two specified native integers.

public static float EnsureFinite(this float value)

Throws ArithmeticException if the value is "not a number" (NaN), positive or negative infinity.

public static double EnsureFinite(this double value)

Throws ArithmeticException if the value is "not a number" (NaN), positive or negative infinity.

public static bool GreaterThan(this IntPtr value, IntPtr comparand)

Determines whether the native integer is greater than the specified value.

public static bool GreaterThan(this UIntPtr value, UIntPtr comparand)

Determines whether the native integer is greater than the specified value.

public static bool GreaterThanOrEqual(this IntPtr value, IntPtr comparand)

Determines whether the native integer is greater than or equal to specified value.

public static bool GreaterThanOrEqual(this UIntPtr value, UIntPtr comparand)

Determines whether the native integer is greater than or equal to specified value.

public static IntPtr Increment(this IntPtr value)

Increments native integer by 1.

public static UIntPtr Increment(this UIntPtr value)

Increments native integer by 1.

public static bool IsOneOf<T>(this T value, IEnumerable<T> values) where T : struct, IEquatable<T>

Checks whether the specified value is equal to one of the specified values.

public static bool IsOneOf<T>(this T value, T[] values) where T : struct, IEquatable<T>

Checks whether the specified value is equal to one of the specified values.

public static bool LessThan(this IntPtr value, IntPtr comparand)

Determines whether the native integer is less than the specified value.

public static bool LessThan(this UIntPtr value, UIntPtr comparand)

Determines whether the native integer is less than the specified value.

public static bool LessThanOrEqual(this IntPtr value, IntPtr comparand)

Determines whether the native integer is less than or equal to specified value.

public static bool LessThanOrEqual(this UIntPtr value, UIntPtr comparand)

Determines whether the native integer is less than or equal to specified value.

public static IntPtr Multiply(this IntPtr x, IntPtr y)

Multiplies two specified native integers.

public static UIntPtr Multiply(this UIntPtr x, UIntPtr y)

Multiplies two specified native integers.

public static IntPtr MultiplyChecked(this IntPtr x, IntPtr y)

Multiplies two specified native integers.

public static UIntPtr MultiplyChecked(this UIntPtr x, UIntPtr y)

Multiplies two specified native integers.

public static IntPtr Negate(this IntPtr value)

Negates native integer value.

public static IntPtr OnesComplement(this IntPtr value)

Computes the bitwise complement of native integer value.

public static UIntPtr OnesComplement(this UIntPtr value)

Computes the bitwise complement of native integer value.

public static IntPtr Or(this IntPtr x, IntPtr y)

Computes the bitwise OR of two native integer values.

public static UIntPtr Or(this UIntPtr x, UIntPtr y)

Computes the bitwise OR of two native integer values.

public static IntPtr Remainder(this IntPtr x, IntPtr y)

Divides two values and returns the remainder.

public static UIntPtr Remainder(this UIntPtr x, UIntPtr y)

Divides two values and returns the remainder.

public static IntPtr Subtract(this IntPtr x, IntPtr y)

Subtracts two native integers.

public static UIntPtr Subtract(this UIntPtr x, UIntPtr y)

Subtracts two native integers.

public static IntPtr SubtractChecked(this IntPtr x, IntPtr y)

Subtracts two native integers.

public static UIntPtr SubtractChecked(this UIntPtr x, UIntPtr y)

Subtracts two native integers.

public static bool ToBoolean(this int value)

Converts Int32 into Boolean.

public static byte ToByte(this bool value)

Converts Boolean into Byte.

public static int ToInt32(this bool value)

Converts Boolean into Int32.

public static IntPtr ToIntPtr(this UIntPtr value)

Converts UIntPtr into IntPtr.

public static UIntPtr ToUIntPtr(this IntPtr value)

Converts IntPtr into UIntPtr.

public static int Truncate(this long value)

Truncates 64-bit signed integer.

public static bool TryGetValue<T>(this T? nullable, out T value) where T : struct

Attempts to get value from nullable container.

public static IntPtr Xor(this IntPtr x, IntPtr y)

Computes the bitwise XOR of two native integer values.

public static UIntPtr Xor(this UIntPtr x, UIntPtr y)

Computes the bitwise XOR of two native integer values.