ReadOnlyDictionaryView<TKey, TInput, TOutput>
public struct ReadOnlyDictionaryView<TKey, TInput, TOutput> : IReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TOutput>, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TKey, TOutput>>, IEnumerable, IReadOnlyCollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TOutput>>, IEquatable<ReadOnlyDictionaryView<TKey, TInput, TOutput>>
Represents lazily converted read-only dictionary.
Count of key/value pairs.
Gets value associated with the key and convert it.
All dictionary keys.
All converted dictionary values.
Initializes a new lazily converted view.
public static bool op_Equality(ReadOnlyDictionaryView<TKey, TInput, TOutput> first, ReadOnlyDictionaryView<TKey, TInput, TOutput> second)
Determines whether two views are same.
public static bool op_Inequality(ReadOnlyDictionaryView<TKey, TInput, TOutput> first, ReadOnlyDictionaryView<TKey, TInput, TOutput> second)
Determines whether two views are not same.
Determines whether the wrapped dictionary contains an element
with the specified key.
Determines whether two converted dictionaries are same.
Returns enumerator over key/value pairs in the wrapped dictionary
and performs conversion for each value in the pair.
Returns the converted value associated with the specified key.