DotNext by .NET Foundation and Contributors

<PackageReference Include="DotNext" Version="4.3.0" />


Represents HTTP endpoint.
public bool IsSecure { get; }

Gets a value indicating that HTTP over TLS should be used (HTTPS).

public string Scheme { get; }

Gets URI scheme.

public HttpEndPoint(Uri uri)

Initializes a new HTTP endpoint.

public HttpEndPoint(string hostName, int port, bool secure, AddressFamily family = 0)

Initializes a new HTTP endpoint.

public HttpEndPoint(IPAddress address, int port, bool secure)

Initializes a new HTTP endpoint.

public HttpEndPoint(IPEndPoint address, bool secure)

Initializes a new HTTP endpoint.

public static bool op_Equality(HttpEndPoint x, HttpEndPoint y)

Determines whether the objects represent the same HTTP endpoint.

public static UriBuilder op_Explicit(HttpEndPoint endPoint)

Creates a new instance of UriBuilder with host, port and scheme imported from this object.

public static bool op_Inequality(HttpEndPoint x, HttpEndPoint y)

Determines whether the objects represent the different HTTP endpoints.

public static bool TryParse(string str, out HttpEndPoint result)

Attempts to parse HTTP endpoint.

Creates a new instance of UriBuilder with host, port and scheme imported from this object.

public bool Equals(HttpEndPoint other)

Determines whether this object represents the same HTTP endpoint as the specified object.