public interface IGrowableBuffer<T> : IReadOnlySpanConsumer<T>, ISupplier<ReadOnlyMemory<T>, CancellationToken, ValueTask>, IFunctional<Func<ReadOnlyMemory<T>, CancellationToken, ValueTask>>, IDisposable
Represents common interface for growable buffer writers.
Gets the maximum number of elements
that can hold this buffer.
Gets the number of written elements.
void Clear()
Clears the contents of the writer.
Passes the contents of this writer to the callback.
Copies the contents of this writer to the specified memory block.
ValueTask CopyToAsync<TConsumer>(TConsumer consumer, CancellationToken token) where TConsumer : ISupplier<ReadOnlyMemory<T>, CancellationToken, ValueTask>
Passes the contents of this writer to the callback asynchronously.
Attempts to get written content as contiguous block of memory.
Writes the memory block.
Writes single element to this buffer.