Helps to compute timeout for asynchronous operations.
Represents a number of ticks in InfiniteTimeSpan.
Represents maximum possible timeout value, in ticks, that can be passed to
some methods such as Delay or CancelAfter.
Gets expired timeout.
Gets infinite timeout.
Indicates that timeout is occurred.
Determines whether this timeout is infinite.
Gets value of this timeout.
Constructs a new timeout control object.
Constructs a new timeout control object.
Constructs a new timeout control object.
Indicates that timeout is not reached.
Extracts original timeout value from this object.
Indicates that timeout is reached.
Validates the timeout.
Throws TimeoutException if timeout occurs.
Throws TimeoutException if timeout occurs.
Throws TimeoutException if timeout occurs.
Throws TimeoutException if timeout occurs.
Gets the remaining time.
Gets the remaining time.