DotNext by .NET Foundation and Contributors

<PackageReference Include="DotNext" Version="5.18.0" />

.NET API 572,872 bytes


Namespace with 23 public types


 PoolingArrayBufferWriter`1 Represents memory writer that is backed by the array obtained from the pool.
 PoolingBufferWriter`1 Represents memory writer that uses pooled memory.
 SparseBufferWriter`1 Represents builder of the sparse memory buffer.


 BufferConsumer`1 Represents implementation of in the form of the writer to .
 BufferWriterInterpolatedStringHandler Represents handler of the interpolated string that can be written to without temporary allocations.
 BufferWriterSlim`1 Represents stack-allocated buffer writer.
 BufferWriterSlimInterpolatedStringHandler Represents handler of the interpolated string that can be written to without temporary allocations.
 DelegatingReadOnlySpanConsumer`2 Represents implementation of that delegates invocation to the delegate of type .
 MemoryOwner`1 Represents unified representation of the memory rented using various types of memory pools.
 PoolingInterpolatedStringHandler Represents interpolated string builder that utilizes reusable buffer rented from the pool.
 ReadOnlySpanConsumer`2 Represents typed function pointer implementing .
 SpanOwner`1 Represents the memory obtained from the pool or allocated on the stack or heap.
 SpanReader`1 Represents simple memory reader backed by .
 SpanWriter`1 Represents simple memory writer backed by .


 SparseBufferGrowth Determines how the size of the subsequent memory chunk must be calculated.

 Static Classes

 ByteBuffer Providers extension methods to work with byte buffers.
 CharBuffer Providers extension methods to work with char buffers.
 Memory Represents methods to work with memory pools and buffers.
 ReadOnlySequencePartitioner Represents factory of objects for .

 Abstract Classes

 BufferWriter`1 Represents memory-backed output sink which data can be written.


 IGrowableBuffer`1 Represents common interface for growable buffer writers.
 IReadOnlySpanConsumer`1 Represents functional interface returning no value and accepting the single argument of type .