DotNext by .NET Foundation and Contributors

<PackageReference Include="DotNext" Version="5.2.0" />

.NET API 497,048 bytes


Assembly with 25 public namespaces (497,048 bytes)

 DotNext with 54 public types

 DotNext.Buffers with 23 public types

 DotNext.Buffers.Binary with 3 public types

 DotNext.Buffers.Text with 3 public types

 DotNext.Collections.Generic with 10 public types

 DotNext.Collections.Specialized with 11 public types

 DotNext.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations with 2 public types

 DotNext.Diagnostics with 1 public types

 DotNext.IO with 4 public types

 DotNext.IO.Hashing with 6 public types

 DotNext.Net.Http with 1 public types

 DotNext.Net.NetworkInformation with 2 public types

 DotNext.Numerics with 1 public types

 DotNext.Patterns with 2 public types

 DotNext.Reflection with 9 public types

 DotNext.Resources with 2 public types

 DotNext.Runtime with 7 public types

 DotNext.Runtime.Caching with 2 public types

 DotNext.Runtime.CompilerServices with 5 public types

 DotNext.Runtime.ExceptionServices with 1 public types

 DotNext.Runtime.InteropServices with 1 public types

 DotNext.Text with 3 public types

 DotNext.Text.Json with 2 public types

 DotNext.Threading with 8 public types

 DotNext.Threading.Tasks with 3 public types