DynamoVisualProgramming.DynamoServices by Autodesk

<PackageReference Include="DynamoVisualProgramming.DynamoServices" Version="3.0.0-beta7064" />


Dictionary<string, Type> ImportedTypes { get; set; }

Types that have already been imported into the scope

Dictionary<string, Type> VariableTypes { get; set; }

Already discovered variable types

IExternalCodeCompletionData[] GetCompletionData(string code, bool expand = false)

Generate completion data for the specified text, while import the given types into the scope and discovering variable assignments.

string GetDescription(string stub, string item, bool isInstance)

Try to generate a description from a typename.

void Initialize(string dynamoCorePath)

Used to load initialize libraries and types that should be available by default.

bool IsSupportedEngine(string engineName)

Used to determine if this IExternalCodeCompletionProviderCore can provide completions for the given engine.