DynamoVisualProgramming.DynamoServices by Autodesk

<PackageReference Include="DynamoVisualProgramming.DynamoServices" Version="3.5.0-beta7596" />


public static readonly string ClearPersistedObjects

This key is used to determine if the persistent objects should be cleared on screen before each run. In live execution scenarios like DesignScript Studio, there is no clear distinction between runs. For more information, please see "AsmExtensionApplication::OnBeginExecution" in "AsmExtensionApplication.cpp".

public static readonly string FilteredClasses

This key is being referenced in "DesignScriptStudio.Graph.Ui.GraphControl" as a way to filtered out classes that is currently not supported in ProtoGL. The "object" value being passed for this configuration key is expected to be a "string" object which specified the assembly and class that should be hidden. The location of the config file is "\installtools\Bundle\ DesignScript.bundle\Contents\Win64" The format of the string should be "%assemblyName%;%className&;..;%assemblyName%;%className&;", The CoreCoponent will look for "%assemblyName%;%className&;" (with two ';' at end of assembly name and class name) and filter the fully matched item out

public static readonly string GeometricPreviewEnabled

This key is being referenced in "DesignScriptStudio.Graph.Ui.GraphControl" as a way to determine if the underlying "RenderService" should be enabled. The default behaviour (if this flag is not specified) is to enable geometric preview. The "object" value being passed for this configuration key is expected to be a "bool" object rather than a "string" object.

public static readonly string GeometryFactory

This key is used to configure the library filename, which implements IGeometryFactory interface.

public static readonly string GeometryProvider

This key is used to set/get IContextDataProvider implementation by host application.

public static readonly string GeometryXmlProperties

This key is referenced in the geometry test framework. The value type for this key is bool. If the value is true, that means the core will generate XML properties.

public static readonly string PersistentManager

This key is used to configure the library filename, which implements IPersistenceManager interface.

public static readonly string RecordingUserActions

This key is used to check if the application is recording user actions. The corresponding value is bool.

public static readonly string RequestExplicitLock

This key is used to request explicit lock on database by the host application before execution of the script. The corresponding value is bool.

public static readonly string SessionDatabase

This key is used to set the session database object for the host application. THIS IS NOW DEPRECATED (use "SessionKey" instead).

public static readonly string SessionKey

This key is used to set the session key (by the host application) which is understood by the corresponding IPersistenceManager when it comes to telling one session from another. An example of session would be the documents in the host application, a host document can be identified with a session key, and each host document has a unique session key that IPersistenceManager can use to differentiate between two documents. The corresponding value for SessionKey is a value of "string" type.