Returns the surface area -- sum of all the areas of all faces
The total volume of the Solid
Create a solid by specifying it's component faces as Surfaces.
Create a Solid by lofting between input cross section closed Curves.
Create a Solid by lofting between input cross section closed Curves, with guide Curve to assist. Guide Curve must intersect all cross section Curves.
Create a Solid by lofting between input cross section closed Curves, with guide Curves to assist. Guide Curves must intersect all cross section Curves.
public static Solid ByRevolve(Curve profile, Point axisOrigin, Vector axisDirection, double startAngle = 0, double sweepAngle = 180)
Create a Surface of revolution, sweeping the profile Curve around the axis Ray formed by the origin and the axis Vector, from the start angle in degrees to the sweep angle in degrees.
Sweep a closed Curve along a path.
Sweep a closed profile Curve along two rail Curves.
Union a collection of solids into one solid
The centroid of the Solid
Chamfers a Solid along input Edges with a given offset from the edge corner.
The boolean difference of this Solid with another
The boolean difference of this Solid and the union of input Solids
Fillets a Solid along input Edges with a given radius.
Projects the input Geometry onto this Solid, in the direction of the input Vector
Obtain a solid Shell from the Faces of this Solid
The boolean union of this Solid and another.
Unions a list of Solids with this Solid.