Get the X component of a Point
Get the Y component of a Point
Get the Z component of a Point
public static Point ByCartesianCoordinates(CoordinateSystem cs, double x = 0, double y = 0, double z = 0)
Form a Point in the given coordinate system with 3 cartesian coordinates
Form a Point in the XY plane given two 2 cartesian coordinates. The Z component is 0.
Form a Point given 3 cartesian coordinates
public static Point ByCylindricalCoordinates(CoordinateSystem cs, double angle = 0, double elevation = 0, double radius = 1)
Form a Point in the given coordinate system given its position in cylindrical coordinates.
public static Point BySphericalCoordinates(CoordinateSystem cs, double phi = 0, double theta = 0, double radius = 1)
Form a Point in the given coordinate system given its position in spherical coordinates.
Get the Origin point (0,0,0)
Prune points to exclude duplicates within tolerance of included points
Add a vector to a point. The same as Translate(Vector).
Get the Vector with the same X, Y, and Z component
Project another piece of Geometry onto this along a given direction Vector
Subtract a vector from a point. The same as Translate(-Vector).