Obtain the Determinant of this CoordinateSystem
Tests if the scaling orthogonal, i.e. does it have a shear component.
Determine whether it is possible to get the Inverse of this CoordinateSystem
Tests if the scaling orthogonal and are all the vectors normalized.
Creates a Point representing the CoordinateSystem origin.
Returns X Axis of CoordinateSystem.
Returns the X Axis scaling of the CoordinateSystem: the length of the X Axis vector.
Returns the Plane the X and Y axes lie in, with root at the origin.
Returns Y Axis of CoordinateSystem.
Returns the Y Axis scaling of the CoordinateSystem: the length of the Y Axis vector.
Returns the Plane the Y and Z axes lie in, with root at the origin.
Returns Z Axis of CoordinateSystem.
Returns the Z Axis scaling of the CoordinateSystem: the length of the Z Axis vector.
Returns the Plane the Z and X axes lie in, with root at the origin.
public static CoordinateSystem ByCylindricalCoordinates(CoordinateSystem cs, double radius = 0, double theta = 0, double height = 0)
Creates a CoordinateSystem at the specified cylindrical coordinate parameters with respect to the specified coordinate system
Create a CoordinateSystem with origin at X and Y locations, with
X and Y Axes set as WCS X and Y Axes. Z defaults to 0.
Create a CoordinateSystem with origin at X, Y, and Z locations, with
X and Y Axes set as WCS X and Y Axes.
Create a CoordinateSystem with origin at input Point, with X and Y Axes
set as WCS X and Y Axes.
Create a CoordinateSystem at the origin with X and Y axis.
Input Vectors are normalized before creating the CoordinateSystem.
public static CoordinateSystem ByOriginVectors(Point origin, Vector xAxis, Vector yAxis, Vector zAxis)
Create a CoordinateSystem at the origin with X and Y axis, with Z
axis ignored completely. Input Vectors are normalized before creating
the CoordinateSystem.
Create a CoordinateSystem with origin equal to input Plane origin, and
X and Y axes lying in the Plane, aligned with Plane X and Y axes.
public static CoordinateSystem BySphericalCoordinates(CoordinateSystem cs, double radius = 0, double theta = 0, double phi = 0)
Creates a CoordinateSystem at the specified spherical coordinate parameters with respect to the specified coordinate system
Creates a CoordinateSystem as the World Coordinate System: origin at
0, 0, 0; x axis at 1, 0, 0; y axis at 0, 1, 0; z axis at 0, 0, 1
Get the inverse of this CoordinateSystem - applying this CoordinateSystem to a piece of Geometry reverses the original.
Determine if two CoordinateSystems are equal
Mirror the object across the input Plane
Apply the argument CoordinateSystem after this one - Result = this * other
Apply the argument CoordinateSystem before this one - Result = other * this
Rotates an object around an origin and an axis by a specified
Rotates an object around the origin and normal of the given Plane by a specified
Scale uniformly around the origin
Scale non-uniformly around the origin
public CoordinateSystem Scale(Plane plane, double xamount = 1, double yamount = 1, double zamount = 1)
Scale non-uniformly around a given Plane
Scale uniformly around a given point, using
Scale in one dimension by base and 2 pick points. The scaling axis is defined by the line between base and pick0.
Scale in two dimension by base and 2 pick points The two pick points are projected onto the base plane in order to determine the 2d scale factors
Returns a Vector containing the X, Y, and Z scale factors
Transform the object by the input CoordinateSystem matrix.
public CoordinateSystem Transform(CoordinateSystem fromCoordinateSystem, CoordinateSystem contextCoordinateSystem)
Transforms this CoordinateSystem from source CoordinateSystem to a new
context CoordinateSystem.
public CoordinateSystem Translate(double xTranslation = 0, double yTranslation = 0, double zTranslation = 0)
Translates any given CoordinateSystem by the given displacements in the x, y,
and z directions defined in WCS respectively.
Translate the object in the direction and magnitude of input Vector.
Translates any CoordinateSystem type by the given distance in the given