Get the length of the vector otherwise known as the Euclidean norm.
Get the X value of a vector.
Get the Y value of a vector.
Get the Z value of a vector.
Form a Vector by 3 Euclidean coordinates
public static Vector ByCoordinates(double x = 0, double y = 0, double z = 0, bool normalized = false)
Form a Vector by 3 Euclidean coordinates and normalize the Vector
Form a Vector by two end points. The result is a vector from the start to the end point.
Get the canonical X axis Vector (1,0,0)
Get the canonical Y axis Vector (0,1,0)
Get the canonical Z axis Vector (0,0,1)
Add a vector
Returns the angle between the two vectors in degrees from 0 to 360. It uses axis of rotation to determine the direction of the angle.
Returns the angle between the two Vectors, in the range [0, 180] degrees.
Returns the angle between the two Vectors, in the range [0, 360] degrees. It uses axis of rotation to determine the direction of the angle.
Returns the angle between the two vectors in degrees from 0 to 180.
Get the Point with the same X, Y, and Z component
Form the cross product of two vectors
Form the dot product of two vectors
Determine whether two vectors are almost equal. A tolerance value of 1e-5 given to handle precision issues.
Determine whether two vectors are parallel.
Get the normalized version of a vector
Get the reverse of the vector. Essentially this negates the X, Y, and Z components of the Vector.
Rotates a Vector around an axis by a specified number of degrees
Rotates a vector around the Plane origin and normal by a specified degree
Scale Vector uniformly around the origin
Scale Vector non-uniformly around the origin
Subtract a vector
Transform this Vector by input CoordinateSystem matrix.