DynamoVisualProgramming.ZeroTouchLibrary by Autodesk

<PackageReference Include="DynamoVisualProgramming.ZeroTouchLibrary" Version="3.4.0-beta6330" />


public class Cylinder : Cone
public Vector Axis { get; }

Axis of the cylinder

public double Height { get; }

The total height

public double Radius { get; }

The radius of the cylinder

public static Cylinder ByPointsRadius(Point startPoint, Point endPoint, double radius = 1)

Construct a Solid Cylinder given the bottom and top center point of the Cylinder.

public static Cylinder ByRadiusHeight(CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem, double radius = 1, double height = 1)

Construct a Solid Cylinder defined by a parent CoordinateSystem, the radius, and the height of the cylinder