Riok.Mapperly by Mapperly Contributors, Lars Tönz, Manuel Allenspach

<PackageReference Include="Riok.Mapperly" Version="4.1.0-next.1" />

 Riok.Mapperly 4.1.0-next.1

A .NET source generator for generating object mappings. No runtime reflection.

<package xmlns="">
    <authors>Mapperly Contributors, Lars Tönz, Manuel Allenspach</authors>
    <license type="expression">Apache-2.0</license>
    <description>A .NET source generator for generating object mappings.
      No runtime reflection.</description>
    <releaseNotes>🐛 Bug Fixes

ignore capacity related diagnostics for system collection types when mapping from custom type by @latonz in #1531

Removes the obsolete attribute from MapProperty.ctor(string\[], string\[]) by @latonz in #1535

allow assignments of MapValue constant value types to nullable value types by @latonz in #1536

Full Changelog:</releaseNotes>
    <tags>Mapper SourceGenerator</tags>
    <repository type="git" url="" commit="e26778b9658cc5b43cc69da807ff94af231d93e8" />
      <group targetFramework=".NETStandard2.0" />