DotNext by .NET Foundation and Contributors

<PackageReference Include="DotNext" Version="5.12.1" />

.NET API 516,184 bytes


Namespace with 54 public types


 BitwiseComparer`1 Represents bitwise comparer for the arbitrary value type.
 GenericArgumentException The exception that is thrown when one of the generic arguments provided to a type is not valid.
 GenericArgumentException`1 The exception that is thrown when one of the generic arguments provided to a type is not valid.
 UndefinedResultException`1 Indicates that the result of the operation is unavailable.


 Activator`1 Represents implementation of that acts as activator of type with public parameterless constructor.
 Consumer`1 Represents typed function pointer implementing .
 ConsumerClosure`2 Represents implementation of interface with the support of closure that is not allocated on the heap.
 DelegatingConsumer`1 Represents implementation of that delegates invocation to the delegate of type .
 DelegatingSupplier`1 Represents implementation of that delegates invocation to the delegate of type .
 DelegatingSupplier`2 Represents implementation of that delegates invocation to the delegate of type .
 DelegatingSupplier`3 Represents implementation of that delegates invocation to the delegate of type .
 DisclosedEndpoint`1 Represents disclosed range endpoint.
 EnclosedEndpoint`1 Represents enclosed range endpoint.
 EqualityComparerBuilder`1 Generates hash code and equality check functions for the particular type.
 Optional`1 A container object which may or may not contain a value.
 Result`1 Represents a result of operation which can be actual result or exception.
 Result`2 Represents a result of operation which can be actual result or error code.
 Supplier`1 Represents typed function pointer implementing .
 Supplier`2 Represents typed function pointer implementing .
 Supplier`3 Represents typed function pointer implementing .
 SupplierClosure`2 Represents implementation of interface with the support of closure that is not allocated on the heap.
 SupplierClosure`3 Represents implementation of interface with the support of closure that is not allocated on the heap.
 SupplierClosure`4 Represents implementation of interface with the support of closure that is not allocated on the heap.
 UserDataSlot`1 Uniquely identifies user data which can be associated with any object.
 UserDataStorage Provides access to user data associated with the object.
 ValueSupplier`1 Represents constant value supplier.

 Static Classes

 BasicExtensions Various extension methods for core data types.
 Converter Provides extension methods for delegate and predefined converters.
 DelegateHelpers Represents various extensions of delegates.
 EnumConverter Provides conversion between enum value and primitive types.
 Func Provides extension methods for delegate and predefined functions.
 Optional Various extension and factory methods for constructing optional value.
 Predicate Provides extension methods for type and predefined predicates.
 RandomExtensions Provides random data generation.
 Result Represents extension methods for type .
 ServiceProviderFactory Represents various ways for building implementations.
 Span Provides extension methods for type and .
 StringExtensions Represents various extension methods for type .
 TupleExtensions Provides extension methods for tuples.

 Abstract Classes

 CharComparer Represents a character comparison operation that uses specific case and culture-based or ordinal comparison rules.
 Disposable Provides implementation of dispose pattern.


 IConsumer`1 Represents functional interface returning no value and accepting the single argument.
 IFiniteRangeEndpoint`1 Represents finite range endpoint.
 IOptionMonad`1 Represents common interface for all option monads.
 IOptionMonad`2 Represents common interface for all option monads.
 IRangeEndpoint`1 Represents range endpoint.
 IResettable Represents common contract for all mutable objects that support revert of their internal state.
 IResultMonad`2 Represents common interface for Result monad.
 IResultMonad`3 Represents common interface for Result monad.
 ISupplier`1 Represents functional interface returning arbitrary value.
 ISupplier`2 Represents functional interface returning arbitrary value and accepting the single argument.
 ISupplier`3 Represents functional interface returning arbitrary value and accepting the two arguments.