Utility class to support analytics tracking.
Disables all analytics collection for the lifetime of the process.
Returns if any analytics reporting is ON
public static Task<IDisposable> CreateTaskTimedEvent(Categories category, string variable, string description = "", int? value = default)
Creates a new task timed event with start state and tracks its start.
After the task is completed, disposing the returned event will record the event completion.
public static IDisposable CreateTimedEvent(Categories category, string variable, string description = "", int? value = default)
Creates a new timed event with start state and tracks its start.
Disposing the returned event will record the event completion.
Logs usage data
Tracks user/machine idle and active states while using the application.
public static IDisposable TrackCommandEvent(string name, string description = "", int? value = default)
Creates a new command event of the given name. Start of the
command is tracked. When the event is disposed, it's completion is tracked.
public static void TrackEvent(Actions action, Categories category, string description = "", int? value = default)
Tracks an arbitrary event.
Tracks an exception. If the exception is fatal, its recorded as crash.
public static IDisposable TrackFileOperationEvent(string filepath, Actions operation, int size, string description = "")
Creates a new file operation event and tracks the start of the event.
Disposing the returned event will record its completion.
Tracks user preference setting and its value.
Tracks screen view, such as Node view, Geometry view, Custom workspace etc.
Tracks application startup time
public static Task<IDisposable> TrackTaskCommandEvent(string name, string description = "", int? value = default, IDictionary<string, object> parameters = null)
Creates a new command event task of the given name. Start of the
command is tracked. When the task is completed and the event is disposed, it's completion is tracked.
public static Task<IDisposable> TrackTaskFileOperationEvent(string filepath, Actions operation, int size, string description = "")
Creates a new task file operation event and tracks the start of the event.
After the task is completed, disposing the returned event will record its completion.
public static void TrackTimedEvent(Categories category, string variable, TimeSpan time, string description = "")
Tracks a timed event, when it has completed.