DynamoVisualProgramming.ZeroTouchLibrary by Autodesk

<PackageReference Include="DynamoVisualProgramming.ZeroTouchLibrary" Version="2.1.0-beta7020" />


public class TSplineFace : Face
public TSplineEdge[] Edges { get; }

All of the TSplineEdges around this Face in counterclockwise order

public int Index { get; }

Index of the TSFace

public int Sides { get; }

Number of parametric sides on the TSFace

public TSplineUVNFrame UVNFrame { get; }

Return UVN Frame of the TSplineFace (point on the hull, U vector, V vector and normal)

public int Valence { get; }

Number of edges or vertices on the TSFace

public TSplineVertex[] Vertices { get; }

All of the TSplineVertices around this Face in counterclockwise order

public Dictionary<string, object> Info()

A bunch of TSplineFace properties: uvnFrame, index, valence and number of sides