DotNext.Threading by .NET Foundation and Contributors

<PackageReference Include="DotNext.Threading" Version="5.8.0" />


Represents a lease in the particular point in time.
public const ulong InitialVersion = 0

Represents initial version of a lease which cannot be renewed or released but can be acquired.

public Guid Id { get; set; }

Gets an ID of the lease.

public ulong Version { get; set; }

Gets a version of the lease.

public static bool op_Equality(ref LeaseIdentity x, ref LeaseIdentity y)

Determines whether the two identities are equal.

public static bool op_Inequality(ref LeaseIdentity x, ref LeaseIdentity y)

Determines whether the two identities are not equal.

public static bool op_LeftShift(ref LeaseIdentity x, ref LeaseIdentity y)

Determines whether identity x immediately precedes identity y.

public static bool op_RightShift(ref LeaseIdentity x, ref LeaseIdentity y)

Determines whether identity x immediately supersedes identity y.

public bool Equals(LeaseIdentity other)

Determines whether this identity is the same as the specified one.

public bool Precedes(ref LeaseIdentity other)

Determines whether this identity immediately precedes the specified identity.