DotNext by .NET Foundation and Contributors

<PackageReference Include="DotNext" Version="4.12.3" />


public static class AtomicEnum
Provides basic atomic operations for arbitrary enum type.
public static TEnum VolatileRead<TEnum>(this ref TEnum value) where TEnum : struct, Enum

Reads the value of the specified field. On systems that require it, inserts a memory barrier that prevents the processor from reordering memory operations as follows: If a read or write appears after this method in the code, the processor cannot move it before this method.

public static void VolatileWrite<TEnum>(this ref TEnum value, TEnum newValue) where TEnum : struct, Enum

Writes the specified value to the specified field. On systems that require it, inserts a memory barrier that prevents the processor from reordering memory operations as follows: If a read or write appears before this method in the code, the processor cannot move it after this method.