public struct PoolingInterpolatedStringHandler : IGrowableBuffer<char>, IReadOnlySpanConsumer<char>, ISupplier<ReadOnlyMemory<char>, CancellationToken, ValueTask>, IFunctional<Func<ReadOnlyMemory<char>, CancellationToken, ValueTask>>, IDisposable, IResettable
Represents interpolated string builder that utilizes reusable buffer rented from the pool.
public PoolingInterpolatedStringHandler(int literalLength, int formattedCount, MemoryAllocator<char> allocator, IFormatProvider provider = null)
Initializes a new interpolated string handler.
Writes the specified value to the handler.
Writes the specified string of chars to the handler.
Writes the specified value to the handler.
Writes the specified character span to the handler.
Writes the specified string to the handler.
Releases the buffer associated with this handler.