DotNext by .NET Foundation and Contributors

<PackageReference Include="DotNext" Version="5.17.0" />


public static class Number
Represents Generic Math extensions.
public static TResult FromBits<TResult>(this ReadOnlySpan<bool> bits) where TResult : struct, INumber<TResult>, IBitwiseOperators<TResult, TResult, TResult>, IShiftOperators<TResult, int, TResult>

Converts bit vector to a value of type TResult.

public static void GetBits<T>(this T value, Span<bool> bits) where T : ValueType modreq(System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType), INumber<T>, IBitwiseOperators<T, T, T>, IShiftOperators<T, int, T>

Converts a value to a set of bits.

public static int GetMaxByteCount<T>() where T : IBinaryInteger<T>

Gets maximum number of bytes that can be used by T type when encoded in little-endian or big-endian format.

public static T GetPrime<T>(T lowerBound, ReadOnlySpan<T> cachedPrimes = default) where T : struct, IBinaryNumber<T>, ISignedNumber<T>, IMinMaxValue<T>, IShiftOperators<T, int, T>

Gets a prime number which is greater than the specified value.

public static bool IsBitSet<T>(this T number, int position) where T : struct, INumber<T>, IBitwiseOperators<T, T, T>, IShiftOperators<T, int, T>

Gets a value indicating that the specified bit is set.

public static bool IsPrime<T>(T value) where T : struct, IBinaryNumber<T>, ISignedNumber<T>, IShiftOperators<T, int, T>

Determines whether the specified value is a prime number.

public static bool IsSigned<T>() where T : INumberBase<T>

Determines whether the specified numeric type is signed.

public static TOutput Normalize<TInput, TOutput>(this TInput value, TInput min, TInput max) where TInput : struct, INumberBase<TInput>, IComparisonOperators<TInput, TInput, bool> where TOutput : struct, IFloatingPoint<TOutput>

Normalizes value in the specified range.

public static double Normalize(this ulong value)

Normalizes 64-bit unsigned integer to interval [0..1).

public static double Normalize(this long value)

Normalizes 64-bit signed integer to interval [0..1).

public static float Normalize(this uint value)

Normalizes 32-bit unsigned integer to interval [0..1).

public static float Normalize(this int value)

Normalizes 32-bit signed integer to interval [0..1).

public static T SetBit<T>(this T number, int position, bool value) where T : struct, INumber<T>, IBitwiseOperators<T, T, T>, IShiftOperators<T, int, T>

Sets the bit at the specified position.