DotNext by .NET Foundation and Contributors

<PackageReference Include="DotNext" Version="5.17.0" />


Represents a mutable reference to the field.
public bool IsEmpty { get; }

Gets a value indicating that is reference is empty.

public ref T Value { get; }

Gets a reference to the field.

public ValueReference(object owner, ref T fieldRef)

Represents a mutable reference to the field.

public ValueReference(T[] array, int index)

Creates a reference to an array element.

public ValueReference(T value)

Creates a reference to the anonymous value.

public ValueReference(ref T staticFieldRef)

Creates a reference to a static field.

public static bool op_Equality(ValueReference<T> x, ValueReference<T> y)

Determines whether the two references point to the same field.

public static Action<T> op_Explicit(ValueReference<T> reference)

Returns a setter for the memory location.

public static Func<T> op_Explicit(ValueReference<T> reference)

Returns a getter for the memory location.

public static ReadOnlyValueReference<T> op_Implicit(ValueReference<T> reference)

Converts mutable field reference to immutable field reference.

public static Span<T> op_Implicit(ValueReference<T> reference)

Gets a span over the referenced value.

public static bool op_Inequality(ValueReference<T> x, ValueReference<T> y)

Determines whether the two references point to the different fields.

public bool Equals(ValueReference<T> reference)