DynamoVisualProgramming.DynamoServices by Autodesk

<PackageReference Include="DynamoVisualProgramming.DynamoServices" Version="" />


public interface IAnalyticsClient
Implements analytics and logging functions. This interface is defined for internal use only to implement analytics functions and mock the tests.
using System; namespace Dynamo.Logging { public interface IAnalyticsClient { bool ReportingAnalytics { get; } bool ReportingUsage { get; } void Start(); void ShutDown(); void TrackEvent(Actions action, Categories category, string description, int? value); void TrackPreference(string name, string stringValue, int? metricValue); void TrackTimedEvent(Categories category, string variable, TimeSpan time, string description); void TrackScreenView(string viewName); void TrackException(Exception ex, bool isFatal); IDisposable CreateTimedEvent(Categories category, string variable, string description, int? value); IDisposable CreateCommandEvent(string name, string description, int? value); IDisposable TrackFileOperationEvent(string filepath, Actions operation, int size, string description); void LogPiiInfo(string tag, string data); } }