DynamoVisualProgramming.DynamoServices by Autodesk

<PackageReference Include="DynamoVisualProgramming.DynamoServices" Version="3.0.0-beta7044" />


public interface IAnalyticsClient
Implements analytics and logging functions. This interface is defined for internal use only to implement analytics functions and mock the tests.
bool ReportingAnalytics { get; }

Checks if analytics reporting is ON.

IDisposable CreateCommandEvent(string name, string description, int? value)

Creates a new command event of the given name. Start of the command is tracked. When the event is disposed, it's completion is tracked.

Task<IDisposable> CreateTaskCommandEvent(string name, string description, int? value)

Creates a new task command event of the given name. Start of the command is tracked. When the task is completed and the event is disposed, it's completion is tracked.

Task<IDisposable> CreateTaskTimedEvent(Categories category, string variable, string description, int? value)

Creates a new task timed event with start state and tracks its start. After task is compoleted, disposing the returnd event will record the event completion.

IDisposable CreateTimedEvent(Categories category, string variable, string description, int? value)

Creates a new timed event with start state and tracks its start. Disposing the returnd event will record the event completion.

void EndEventTask(Task<IDisposable> taskToEnd)

Waits for the given task to end so that it can dispose the event and complete the tracking.

void LogPiiInfo(string tag, string data)

Logs usage data

void ShutDown()

Shuts down the client. Application life cycle end is tracked.

void Start()

Starts the client when DynamoModel is created. This method initializes the Analytics service and application life cycle start is tracked.

void TrackEvent(Actions action, Categories category, string description, int? value)

Tracks an arbitrary event.

void TrackException(Exception ex, bool isFatal)

Tracks an exception. If the exception is fatal, its recorded as crash.

IDisposable TrackFileOperationEvent(string filepath, Actions operation, int size, string description)

Creates a new file operation event and tracks the start of the event. Disposing the returned event will record its completion.

void TrackPreference(string name, string stringValue, int? metricValue)

Tracks a preference setting and its value.

void TrackScreenView(string viewName)

Tracks screen view, such as Node view, Geometry view, Custom workspace etc.

Task<IDisposable> TrackTaskFileOperationEvent(string filepath, Actions operation, int size, string description)

Creates a new file operation task event and tracks the start of the event. After the task is completed, disposing the returned event will record its completion.

void TrackTimedEvent(Categories category, string variable, TimeSpan time, string description)

Tracks a timed event, when it has completed.