DynamoVisualProgramming.DynamoServices by Autodesk

<PackageReference Include="DynamoVisualProgramming.DynamoServices" Version="3.4.0-beta6416" />


public interface IInstancingRenderPackage
Represents instance matrices and references to tessellated geometry in the RenderPackage
void AddInstanceGuidForLineVertexRange(int startIndex, int endIndex, Guid id)

Set an instance reference for a specific range of line vertices

void AddInstanceGuidForMeshVertexRange(int startIndex, int endIndex, Guid id)

Set an instance reference for a specific range of mesh vertices

void AddInstanceMatrix(float m11, float m12, float m13, float m14, float m21, float m22, float m23, float m24, float m31, float m32, float m33, float m34, float m41, float m42, float m43, float m44, Guid id)

Set the transform using a series of floats. The resulting transform is applied to the range of geometry specified by the id. Following conventional matrix notation, m11 is the value of the first row and first column, and m12 is the value of the first row and second column. NOTE: This method should set the matrix exactly as described by the caller.

void AddInstanceMatrix(float[] matrix, Guid id)

Set the transform as a float array, The resulting transform is applied to the range of geometry specified by the id. This matrix should be laid out as follows in row vector order: [Xx,Xy,Xz, 0, Yx, Yy, Yz, 0, Zx, Zy, Zz, 0, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ, W] NOTE: This method should transform the matrix from row vector order to whatever form is needed by the implementation. When converting from ProtoGeometry CoordinateSystem form to input matrix, set the first row to the X axis of the CS, the second row to the Y axis of the CS, the third row to the Z axis of the CS, and the last row to the CS origin, where W = 1.

Checks if a base tessellation guid has already been registered with this IInstancingRenderPackage. Both Line and Mesh ids are checked.