DynamoVisualProgramming.ZeroTouchLibrary by Autodesk

<PackageReference Include="DynamoVisualProgramming.ZeroTouchLibrary" Version="0.9.0-beta" />


double Determinant { get; }

Obtain the Determinant of this CoordinateSystem

bool IsScaledOrtho { get; }

Tests if the scaling orthogonal, i.e. does it have a shear component.

bool IsSingular { get; }

Determine whether it is possible to get the Inverse of this CoordinateSystem

bool IsUniscaledOrtho { get; }

Tests if the scaling orthogonal and are all the vectors normalized.

Creates a Point representing the CoordinateSystem origin.

Returns X Axis of CoordinateSystem.

double XScaleFactor { get; }

Returns the X Axis scaling of the CoordinateSystem: the length of the X Axis vector.

Returns the Plane the X and Y axes lie in, with root at the origin.

Returns Y Axis of CoordinateSystem.

double YScaleFactor { get; }

Returns the Y Axis scaling of the CoordinateSystem: the length of the Y Axis vector.

Returns the Plane the Y and Z axes lie in, with root at the origin.

Returns Z Axis of CoordinateSystem.

double ZScaleFactor { get; }

Returns the Z Axis scaling of the CoordinateSystem: the length of the Z Axis vector.

Returns the Plane the Z and X axes lie in, with root at the origin.

Get the inverse of this CoordinateSystem - applying this CoordinateSystem to a piece of Geometry reverses the original.

Determine if two CoordinateSystems are equal

Apply the argument CoordinateSystem after this one - Result = this * other

Apply the argument CoordinateSystem before this one - Result = other * this

Returns a Vector containing the X, Y, and Z scale factors