DynamoVisualProgramming.ZeroTouchLibrary by Autodesk

<PackageReference Include="DynamoVisualProgramming.ZeroTouchLibrary" Version="0.9.0-beta1" />


double Area { get; }

Returns the total surface area.

bool Closed { get; }

Returns true if the Surface is closed in U or V directions

bool ClosedInU { get; }

Returns true if the Surface is closed in U direction.

bool ClosedInV { get; }

Returns true if the Surface is closed in V direction

double Perimeter { get; }

Returns the sum of all edges of the Surface.

Gets a Nurbs representation of the Surface within a specified tolerance. This method may approximate Surface in certain circumstances.

Return a CoordinateSystem aligned with principal curvature directions.

ICoordinateSystemEntity CurvatureAtParameter(double u = 0, double v = 0)

The returned coordination system use xAxis, yAxis and zAxis to represent the uDir, vDir and normal. The length of xAxis, yAxis represents the curvatures.

IVectorEntity[] DerivativesAtParameter(double u = 0, double v = 0)

Return the derivatives at input U and V coordinates.

Returns a new Surface with the Normal flipped. Leaves this surface unchanged.

double GaussianCurvatureAtParameter(double u = 0, double v = 0)

Returns the Gaussian curvature at U and V parameters.

ICurveEntity GetIsoline(int isoDirection = 0, double parameter = 0)

Create a parameter line curve on the given surface. Create a Curve that represents a u or v parameter line on the Surface. A parameter line runs in the direction of increasing u or v parameter at a constant opposite u or v parameter. The resulting Curve will match the Surface parameterisation and its range will be bounded by the Surface parameter range. The type of Curve returned will depend on the Surface type.

Combines this Surface and input Surface into a PolySurface

Combines this Surface and input Surfaces into a PolySurface

IVectorEntity NormalAtParameter(double u = 0, double v = 0)

Return the normal Vector at specified U and V parameters.

Return the surface normal at the input Point on the Surface.

ISurfaceEntity Offset(double distance = 1)

Offset Surface in direction of Surface normal by specified distance.

Return all the boundary Curves of the Surface.

IPointEntity PointAtParameter(double u = 0, double v = 0)

Return the Point at specified U and V parameters.

double[] PrincipalCurvaturesAtParameter(double u = 0, double v = 0)

Returns the principal curvatures at the U and V parameters.

IVectorEntity[] PrincipalDirectionsAtParameter(double u = 0, double v = 0)

Returns principal direction vectors at U and V parameters.

IGeometryEntity[] ProjectInputOnto(IGeometryEntity geometryToProject, IVectorEntity projectionDirection)

Projects the input Geometry onto this Surface in the input Vector direction

Subtract the input tools from this Surface.

IVectorEntity TangentAtUParameter(double u = 0, double v = 0)

Return the U tangent Vector at specified U and V parameters.

IVectorEntity TangentAtVParameter(double u = 0, double v = 0)

Return the V tangent Vector at specified U and V parameters.

ISolidEntity Thicken(double thickness = 1)

Thicken Surface into a Solid, extruding in the direction of Surface normals on both sides of the Surface.

ISolidEntity Thicken(double thickness = 1, bool both_sides = true)

Thicken Surface into a Solid, extruding in the direction of Surface normals. If both_sides parameter is true, surface is thickened on both sides.

Gets a Nurbs representation of the Surface. This method may approximate Surface in certain circumstances.

Trim the surface with a collection of loops within the surface

Return the UV parameter pair at the input Point. This is the inverse of Point at parameter.