DynamoVisualProgramming.ZeroTouchLibrary by Autodesk

<PackageReference Include="DynamoVisualProgramming.ZeroTouchLibrary" Version="" />


public abstract class Geometry : DesignScriptEntity
using Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Properties; using Autodesk.DesignScript.Interfaces; using Autodesk.DesignScript.Runtime; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; namespace Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry { public abstract class Geometry : DesignScriptEntity { private static Dictionary<Type, Func<IGeometryEntity, bool, Geometry>> mGeometryContructors; private Geometry mContext; private static Type mCachedType; private static Func<IGeometryEntity, bool, Geometry> mCachedConstructor; internal IPersistentObject mPersistent; public BoundingBox BoundingBox => BoundingBox.Wrap(GeometryEntity.get_BoundingBox(), true); public BoundingBox OrientedBoundingBox => BoundingBox.Wrap(GeometryEntity.get_OrientedBoundingBox(), true); public CoordinateSystem ContextCoordinateSystem => CoordinateSystem.Wrap(GeometryEntity.get_ContextCoordinateSystem(), true); internal override IDesignScriptEntity HostImpl { get { if (mPersistent != null) return mPersistent.get_Geometry(); return base.HostImpl; } } internal IGeometryEntity GeometryEntity => HostImpl as IGeometryEntity; internal bool IsPersistent => mPersistent != null; static Geometry() { mGeometryContructors = new Dictionary<Type, Func<IGeometryEntity, bool, Geometry>>(); Type[] types = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes(); Type[] array = types; foreach (Type type in array) { if (type.IsClass && !type.IsAbstract && typeof(Geometry).IsAssignableFrom(type)) { MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod("InitType", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic); if ((MethodInfo)null != method) method.Invoke(null, null); } } } internal static void RegisterHostType(Type hostType, Func<IGeometryEntity, bool, Geometry> contructor) { mGeometryContructors[hostType] = contructor; } internal static Geometry Wrap(IGeometryEntity host, bool persist = false, Geometry context = null) { if (host == null) return null; if (host.get_Owner() != null) return host.get_Owner() as Geometry; Func<IGeometryEntity, bool, Geometry> geomConstructor = GetGeomConstructor(host); if (geomConstructor == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(Resources.InvalidOperationException, ((object)host).GetType())); return geomConstructor(host, persist); } internal static Geometry[] Wrap(IGeometryEntity[] geometries) { List<Geometry> list = new List<Geometry>(); foreach (IGeometryEntity host in geometries) { list.Add(Wrap(host, false, null)); } return list.ToArray(); } internal static IGeometryEntity[] Unwrap(Geometry[] geometries) { List<IGeometryEntity> list = new List<IGeometryEntity>(); foreach (Geometry geometry in geometries) { list.Add(geometry.GeometryEntity); } return list.ToArray(); } internal static IGeometryEntity[] Unwrap(IEnumerable<Geometry> o) { return (from x in o select Unwrap(x)).ToArray(); } internal static IGeometryEntity Unwrap(Geometry geom) { return geom.GeometryEntity; } private static Func<IGeometryEntity, bool, Geometry> GetGeomConstructor(IGeometryEntity host) { Type type = ((object)host).GetType(); if (type == mCachedType) return mCachedConstructor; Type[] interfaces = type.GetInterfaces(); interfaces = interfaces.Except(interfaces.SelectMany((Type t) => t.GetInterfaces())).ToArray(); Type[] array = interfaces; foreach (Type key in array) { if (mGeometryContructors.TryGetValue(key, out Func<IGeometryEntity, bool, Geometry> value)) { mCachedType = type; mCachedConstructor = value; return value; } } return null; } internal Geometry(IGeometryEntity host, bool persist) : base(host, true) { InitGeometry(persist); } internal Geometry(Func<IGeometryEntity> constructor, bool persist) : base((Func<IDesignScriptEntity>)constructor) { InitGeometry(persist); } [IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary(false)] public static Geometry FromObject(long ptr) { IPersistentObject val = HostFactory.PersistenceManager.FromObject(ptr); Geometry geometry = Wrap(val.get_Geometry(), false, null); geometry.mPersistent = val; return geometry; } private void InitGeometry(bool persist) { if (persist) Persist(); } internal IPersistentObject Persist() { if (mPersistent != null) return mPersistent; if ((object)HostFactory.PersistenceManager == null) return null; IGeometryEntity val = HostImpl as IGeometryEntity; if (val == null) return null; DisposeDisplay(); mPersistent = HostFactory.PersistenceManager.Persist(val); return mPersistent; } protected override void DisposeDisplayable() { DisposeDisplay(); if (mPersistent != null) mPersistent.Erase(); base.DisposeDisplayable(); } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { if (mPersistent != null && (object)mPersistent != (object)base.HostImpl) ((IDisposable)mPersistent).Dispose(); GeometryExtension.DisposeObject(ref mContext); } mPersistent = null; base.Dispose(disposing); } private void DisposeDisplay() { } internal static int GetIndexOfNearestGeometry(IGeometryEntity[] entities, IPointEntity point) { double num = entities[0].DistanceTo(point); int result = 0; for (int i = 1; i < entities.Length; i++) { double num2 = entities[i].DistanceTo(point); if (num2 < num) { num = num2; result = i; } } return result; } public Geometry Translate(double xTranslation = 0, double yTranslation = 0, double zTranslation = 0) { DesignScriptEntity.CheckArgsForAsmExtents(new List<double> { xTranslation, yTranslation, zTranslation }); xTranslation /= DesignScriptEntity.scaleFactor; yTranslation /= DesignScriptEntity.scaleFactor; zTranslation /= DesignScriptEntity.scaleFactor; IGeometryEntity host = GeometryEntity.Translate(xTranslation, yTranslation, zTranslation) as IGeometryEntity; return Wrap(host, true, null); } public Geometry Translate(Vector direction) { IGeometryEntity host = GeometryEntity.Translate(direction.VectorEntity) as IGeometryEntity; return Wrap(host, true, null); } public Geometry Translate(Vector direction, double distance) { DesignScriptEntity.CheckArgsForAsmExtents(new List<double> { distance }); distance /= DesignScriptEntity.scaleFactor; IGeometryEntity host = GeometryEntity.Translate(direction.VectorEntity, distance) as IGeometryEntity; return Wrap(host, true, null); } public Geometry Transform(CoordinateSystem cs) { IGeometryEntity host = GeometryEntity.Transform(cs.CoordinateSystemEntity) as IGeometryEntity; return Wrap(host, true, null); } public Geometry Transform(CoordinateSystem fromCoordinateSystem, CoordinateSystem contextCoordinateSystem) { IGeometryEntity host = GeometryEntity.TransformFromTo(fromCoordinateSystem.CoordinateSystemEntity, contextCoordinateSystem.CoordinateSystemEntity) as IGeometryEntity; return Wrap(host, true, null); } public Geometry Rotate(Point origin, Vector axis, double degrees = 0) { IGeometryEntity host = GeometryEntity.Rotate(origin.PointEntity, axis.VectorEntity, degrees) as IGeometryEntity; return Wrap(host, true, null); } public Geometry Rotate(Plane basePlane, double degrees = 0) { IGeometryEntity host = GeometryEntity.Rotate(basePlane.PlaneEntity, degrees) as IGeometryEntity; return Wrap(host, true, null); } public Geometry Mirror(Plane mirrorPlane) { IGeometryEntity host = GeometryEntity.Mirror(mirrorPlane.PlaneEntity) as IGeometryEntity; return Wrap(host, true, null); } public Geometry Scale(double amount = 1) { IGeometryEntity host = GeometryEntity.Scale(amount) as IGeometryEntity; return Wrap(host, true, null); } public Geometry Scale(double xamount = 1, double yamount = 1, double zamount = 1) { IGeometryEntity host = GeometryEntity.Scale(xamount, yamount, zamount) as IGeometryEntity; return Wrap(host, true, null); } public Geometry Scale(Plane plane, double xamount = 1, double yamount = 1, double zamount = 1) { IGeometryEntity host = GeometryEntity.Scale(Plane.Unwrap(plane), xamount, yamount, zamount) as IGeometryEntity; return Wrap(host, true, null); } public Geometry Scale(Point basePoint, Point from, Point to) { IGeometryEntity host = GeometryEntity.Scale(basePoint.PointEntity, from.PointEntity, to.PointEntity) as IGeometryEntity; return Wrap(host, true, null); } public Geometry Scale1D(Point basePoint, Point from, Point to) { IGeometryEntity host = GeometryEntity.Scale1D(basePoint.PointEntity, from.PointEntity, to.PointEntity) as IGeometryEntity; return Wrap(host, true, null); } public Geometry Scale2D(Plane basePlane, Point from, Point to) { IGeometryEntity host = GeometryEntity.Scale2D(basePlane.PlaneEntity, from.PointEntity, to.PointEntity) as IGeometryEntity; return Wrap(host, true, null); } public double DistanceTo(Geometry other) { return GeometryEntity.DistanceTo(other.GeometryEntity) * DesignScriptEntity.scaleFactor; } public Point ClosestPointTo(Geometry other) { IPointEntity host = GeometryEntity.ClosestPointTo(other.GeometryEntity); return Point.Wrap(host, true); } public bool DoesIntersect(Geometry other) { return GeometryEntity.DoesIntersect(other.GeometryEntity); } public Geometry[] Intersect(Geometry other) { return Wrap(GeometryEntity.Intersect(other.GeometryEntity)); } public Geometry[] IntersectAll(IEnumerable<Geometry> others) { return Wrap(GeometryEntity.IntersectAll(Unwrap(others))); } public Geometry[] Split(Geometry other) { return Wrap(GeometryEntity.Split(other.GeometryEntity)); } public Geometry[] Trim(Geometry other, Point pick) { return Wrap(GeometryEntity.Trim(other.GeometryEntity, pick.PointEntity)); } public Geometry[] Explode() { return Track(Wrap(GeometryEntity.Explode())).ToArray(); } public bool IsAlmostEqualTo(Geometry other) { return GeometryEntity.IsAlmostEqualTo(other.GeometryEntity); } public string ToSolidDef() { return GeometryEntity.ToSolidDef(); } [SupressImportIntoVM] public string ToJson() { return GeometryEntity.ToJson(DesignScriptEntity.scaleFactor); } [IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary(false)] public Geometry[] Approximate() { return Wrap(GeometryEntity.Approximate()); } internal Geometry SetAttributes(Dictionary<string, string> attributes) { return Wrap(GeometryEntity.SetAttributes(attributes), false, null); } internal IDictionary<string, string> GetAttributes() { return GeometryEntity.GetAttributes(); } [AllowRankReduction] [Obsolete("This method is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Dynamo. Use overload that specifies mm per unit")] [IsObsolete("geometry_importfromsat_deprecated", typeof(Resources))] public static Geometry[] ImportFromSAT(FileInfo file) { string fileName = file.FullName; IGeometryEntity[] hosts = ImportFromSAT(ref fileName, 1000); return hosts.ToArray<Geometry, IGeometryEntity>(true, (Geometry)null); } [AllowRankReduction] [Obsolete("This method is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Dynamo. Use overload that specifies mm per unit")] [IsObsolete("geometry_importfromsat_deprecated", typeof(Resources))] public static Geometry[] ImportFromSAT(string filePath) { IGeometryEntity[] hosts = ImportFromSAT(ref filePath, 1000); return hosts.ToArray<Geometry, IGeometryEntity>(true, (Geometry)null); } [AllowRankReduction] [IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary(false)] public static Geometry[] ImportFromSAT(FileInfo file, double mmPerUnit) { string fileName = file.FullName; IGeometryEntity[] hosts = ImportFromSAT(ref fileName, mmPerUnit); return hosts.ToArray<Geometry, IGeometryEntity>(true, (Geometry)null); } [AllowRankReduction] [IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary(false)] public static Geometry[] ImportFromSAT(string filePath, double mmPerUnit) { IGeometryEntity[] hosts = ImportFromSAT(ref filePath, mmPerUnit); return hosts.ToArray<Geometry, IGeometryEntity>(true, (Geometry)null); } internal static IGeometryEntity[] ImportFromSAT(ref string fileName, double mmPerUnit) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileName)) throw new ArgumentNullException("fileName"); fileName = GeometryExtension.LocateFile(fileName); if (!File.Exists(fileName)) throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(Resources.FileNotFound, fileName), "fileName"); return HostFactory.Factory.LoadSAT(fileName, DesignScriptEntity.scaleFactor, mmPerUnit); } [AllowRankReduction] public static Geometry[] FromSolidDef(string solidDefJson) { IGeometryEntity[] hosts = FromSolidDef(ref solidDefJson); return hosts.ToArray<Geometry, IGeometryEntity>(true, (Geometry)null); } internal static IGeometryEntity[] FromSolidDef(ref string solidDefJson) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(solidDefJson)) throw new ArgumentNullException("solidDefJson"); return HostFactory.Factory.FromSolidDef(solidDefJson); } [SupressImportIntoVM] public static Geometry FromJson(string json) { return Wrap(HostFactory.Factory.GeometryFromJson(json, DesignScriptEntity.scaleFactor), false, null); } [SupressImportIntoVM] [Obsolete("This method is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Dynamo. Use ExportToSAT(IEnumerable<Geometry> geometry, string filePath) instead")] public string ExportToSAT(string filePath) { List<Geometry> list = new List<Geometry>(); list.Add(this); return ExportToSAT(list.ToArray(), filePath); } [SupressImportIntoVM] [Obsolete("This method is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Dynamo. Use ExportToSAT UI node instead")] public string ExportToSAT(string filePath, double unitsMM) { List<Geometry> list = new List<Geometry>(); list.Add(this); return ExportToSAT(list.ToArray(), filePath, unitsMM); } public static string ExportToSAT(IEnumerable<Geometry> geometry, string filePath) { return CheckPathAndExportToSAT(geometry, filePath, false, 0); } [Obsolete("This method is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Dynamo. Use ExportToSAT UI node instead")] [IsObsolete("geometry_exporttosat_deprecated", typeof(Resources))] public static string ExportToSAT(IEnumerable<Geometry> geometry, string filePath, double unitsMM) { return CheckPathAndExportToSAT(geometry, filePath, true, unitsMM); } [IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary(false)] public static Geometry[] FromNativePointer(IntPtr nativePointer) { IGeometryEntity[] hosts = HostFactory.Factory.FromNativePointer(nativePointer, DesignScriptEntity.scaleFactor); return hosts.ToArray<Geometry, IGeometryEntity>(true, (Geometry)null); } [IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary(false)] public static IntPtr[] ToNativePointer(IEnumerable<Geometry> geometry) { List<IGeometryEntity> list = new List<IGeometryEntity>(); foreach (Geometry item in geometry) { IGeometryEntity geometryEntity = item.GeometryEntity; if (geometryEntity != null) list.Add(geometryEntity); } object factory = (object)HostFactory.Factory; object[] array = list.ToArray(); return factory.ToNativePointer(array, DesignScriptEntity.scaleFactor); } private static string CheckPathAndExportToSAT(IEnumerable<Geometry> geometry, string filePath, bool useUnits, double unitsMM = 0) { List<IGeometryEntity> list = new List<IGeometryEntity>(); foreach (Geometry item in geometry) { IGeometryEntity geometryEntity = item.GeometryEntity; if (geometryEntity != null) list.Add(geometryEntity); } if (list.Count == 0) throw new Exception(Resources.ConversionException); if (!filePath.EndsWith(".sat")) filePath += ".sat"; if (!Path.IsPathRooted(filePath)) { string text = GeometrySettings.RootModulePath; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) text = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; string directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(text); filePath = Path.Combine(directoryName, filePath); } object[] array; if (!useUnits) { object factory = (object)HostFactory.Factory; string text2 = filePath; array = list.ToArray(); return factory.SaveSAT(text2, array, DesignScriptEntity.scaleFactor); } object factory2 = (object)HostFactory.Factory; string text3 = filePath; array = list.ToArray(); return factory2.SaveSAT(text3, array, unitsMM, DesignScriptEntity.scaleFactor); } [SupressImportIntoVM] [Obsolete("This method is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Dynamo. Use SerializeAsSAB(IEnumerable<Geometry> geometry")] public byte[] SerializeAsSAB() { List<Geometry> list = new List<Geometry>(); list.Add(this); return SerializeAsSAB(list.ToArray()); } public static byte[] SerializeAsSAB(IEnumerable<Geometry> geometry) { List<IGeometryEntity> list = new List<IGeometryEntity>(); foreach (Geometry item in geometry) { IGeometryEntity geometryEntity = item.GeometryEntity; if (geometryEntity != null) list.Add(geometryEntity); } object factory = (object)HostFactory.Factory; object[] array = list.ToArray(); return factory.SerializeAsSAB(array, DesignScriptEntity.scaleFactor); } [AllowRankReduction] [Obsolete("This method is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Dynamo. Please use overload that allows passing mmPerUnit")] [IsObsolete("geometry_deserializefromsab_deprecated", typeof(Resources))] public static Geometry[] DeserializeFromSAB(byte[] buffer) { IGeometryEntity[] hosts = DeserializeFromSABInternal(buffer, 1000); return hosts.ToArray<Geometry, IGeometryEntity>(true, (Geometry)null); } [AllowRankReduction] [IsVisibleInDynamoLibrary(false)] public static Geometry[] DeserializeFromSAB(byte[] buffer, double mmPerUnit) { IGeometryEntity[] hosts = DeserializeFromSABInternal(buffer, mmPerUnit); return hosts.ToArray<Geometry, IGeometryEntity>(true, (Geometry)null); } internal static IGeometryEntity[] DeserializeFromSABInternal(byte[] buffer, double mmPerUnit) { return HostFactory.Factory.DeserializeFromSAB(buffer, DesignScriptEntity.scaleFactor, mmPerUnit); } [SupressImportIntoVM] public static void UpdateDisplay() { HostFactory.PersistenceManager.UpdateDisplay(); } protected override int ComputeHashCode() { int num = (mPersistent != null) ? ((object)mPersistent).GetHashCode() : 0; if (num != 0) return num; return base.ComputeHashCode(); } internal static string GetFullPath(string fileName) { if (Path.IsPathRooted(fileName)) return fileName; IConfiguration val = Application.Instance.Session as IConfiguration; return Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(val.get_RootModulePath()), fileName); } } }