DynamoVisualProgramming.ZeroTouchLibrary by Autodesk

<PackageReference Include="DynamoVisualProgramming.ZeroTouchLibrary" Version="3.4.0-beta6706" />


public class TSplineTopology : Topology
public TSplineEdge[] BorderEdges { get; }

Border Edges contained in the T-Spline Surface

public TSplineFace[] BorderFaces { get; }

Border Faces contained in the T-Spline Surface

public TSplineVertex[] BorderVertices { get; }

Border Vertices contained in the T-Spline Surface

public TSplineEdge[] Edges { get; }

Edges contained in the T-Spline Surface.

public int EdgesCount { get; }

Return number of edges in the T-Spline Surface

public TSplineFace[] Faces { get; }

Faces contained in the T-Spline Surface.

public int FacesCount { get; }

Return number of faces in the T-Spline Surface

public TSplineEdge[] InnerEdges { get; }

Inner Edges contained in the T-Spline Surface

public TSplineFace[] InnerFaces { get; }

Inner Faces contained in the T-Spline Surface

public TSplineVertex[] InnerVertices { get; }

Inner Vertices contained in the T-Spline Surface

public TSplineFace[] NGonFaces { get; }

N-Gon Faces contained in the T-Spline Surface

public TSplineEdge[] NonManifoldEdges { get; }

Non-Manifold Edges contained in the T-Spline Surface

Non-Manifold Vertices contained in the T-Spline Surface

public TSplineFace[] RegularFaces { get; }

Regular Faces contained in the T-Spline Surface

public TSplineVertex[] RegularVertices { get; }

Regular Vertices contained in the T-Spline Surface

public TSplineVertex[] StarPointVertices { get; }

Star-Point Vertices contained in the T-Spline Surface

public TSplineVertex[] TPointVertices { get; }

T-Point Vertices contained in the T-Spline Surface

public TSplineVertex[] Vertices { get; }

Vertices contained in this T-Spline Surface.

public int VerticesCount { get; }

Return number of vertices in the T-Spline Surface

Decomposed Edges differed by type

Decomposed Faces differed by type

Decomposed Vertices differed by type

public TSplineEdge EdgeByIndex(int index)

Return edge at given index

public TSplineFace FaceByIndex(int index)

Return face at given index

public TSplineVertex VertexByIndex(int index)

Return vertex at given index