FastReport.Net.Demo by Fast Reports Inc.

<PackageReference Include="FastReport.Net.Demo" Version="2022.2.5" />

.NET API 15,777,792 bytes


public abstract class BandBase : BreakableComponent, IParent
Base class for all bands.
public int AbsRowNo { get; set; }

Gets an absolute row number (the same value returned by the "AbsRow#" system variable).

public string AfterLayoutEvent { get; set; }

Gets or sets a script event name that will be fired after the child objects layout was finished.

public string BeforeLayoutEvent { get; set; }

Gets or sets a script event name that will be fired before the band layouts its child objects.

public BreakableComponent BreakTo { get; set; }

This property is not relevant to this class.

public bool CanBreak { get; set; }

This property is not relevant to this class.

public ChildBand Child { get; set; }

Gets or sets a child band that will be printed right after this band.

public bool FirstRowStartsNewPage { get; set; }

Gets or sets a value indicating that the first row can start a new report page.

public bool GrowToBottom { get; set; }

This property is not relevant to this class.

public FloatCollection Guides { get; set; }

Gets or sets collection of guide lines for this band.

public bool IsFirstRow { get; set; }

Gets a value indicating that this is the first data row.

public bool IsLastRow { get; set; }

Gets a value indicating that this is the last data row.

public bool KeepChild { get; set; }

Gets or sets a value indicating that the band should be printed together with its child band.

Gets a collection of report objects belongs to this band.

public string OutlineExpression { get; set; }

Gets or sets an outline expression.

public bool PrintOnBottom { get; set; }

Gets or sets a value indicating that the band should be printed on the page bottom.

public int RepeatBandNTimes { get; set; }

Gets or sets a value that determines the number of repetitions of the same band.

public bool Repeated { get; set; }

Gets a value indicating that band is reprinted on a new page.

public int RowNo { get; set; }

Gets a row number (the same value returned by the "Row#" system variable).

public ShiftMode ShiftMode { get; set; }

This property is not relevant to this class.

public bool StartNewPage { get; set; }

Gets or sets a value indicating that the band should be printed from a new page.

This event occurs after the child objects layout was finished.

This event occurs before the band layouts its child objects.

public BandBase()

Initializes a new instance of the BandBase class with default settings.

public virtual void AddChild(Base child)

public void AddLastToFooter(BreakableComponent breakTo)

public virtual bool CanContain(Base child)

public virtual void GetChildObjects(ObjectCollection list)

public virtual int GetChildOrder(Base child)

public void OnAfterLayout(EventArgs e)

This method fires the AfterLayout event and the script code connected to the AfterLayoutEvent.

public void OnBeforeLayout(EventArgs e)

This method fires the BeforeLayout event and the script code connected to the BeforeLayoutEvent.

public virtual void RemoveChild(Base child)

public virtual void SetChildOrder(Base child, int order)

public virtual void UpdateLayout(float dx, float dy)