FreeSpire.PDF by Administrator

<PackageReference Include="FreeSpire.PDF" Version="3.0.0" />

.NET API 12,095,488 bytes


Namespace with 54 public types


 DrawPageInBookletEventArgs Represents DrawPageInBooklet Event arguments.
 PageAddedEventArgs Provides data for PageAdded event.
 PdfCollection Base collection of the pdf objects.
 PdfDocumentInformation A class containing the information about the document.
 PdfDocumentPageCollection Implements a virtual collection of all pages in the document.
 PdfDocumentTemplate Encapsulates a page template for all the pages in the document.
 PdfFileInfo This class represents a set of the properties that define the internal structure of PDF file.
 PdfNewPage Represents a single PDF page.
 PdfPageLayerCollection Collection of the pages layers.
 PdfPageSettings Represent class with setting of page.
 PdfPageWidget Represents a page loaded from a document.
 PdfStampCollection A collection of stamps that are applied to the page templates.
 PdfViewerPreferences Defines the way the document is to be presented on the screen or in print.


 FileFormat Specifies the type of file format.
 HttpReadType Specifies the different way of presenting the document at the client browser.
 PdfConformanceLevel Specifies the Pdf document's Conformance-level.
 PdfCrossReferenceType Specifies the type of the PDF cross-reference.
 PdfVersion Specifies the available PDF versions to save a PDF document.
 PrintScalingMode Specifies the different page scaling option that shall be selected when a print dialog is displayed for this document.

 Abstract Classes

 PdfDocumentBase Represent common PdfDocumentBase classes.
 PdfPageBase The base class for all pages.