Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson by Microsoft

<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson" Version="6.0.26" />


public class MvcNewtonsoftJsonOptions : IEnumerable<ICompatibilitySwitch>, IEnumerable
Provides programmatic configuration for JSON formatters using Newtonsoft.JSON.
public bool AllowInputFormatterExceptionMessages { get; set; }

Gets or sets a flag to determine whether error messages from JSON deserialization by the NewtonsoftJsonInputFormatter will be added to the ModelStateDictionary. If false, a generic error message will be used instead.

public int InputFormatterMemoryBufferThreshold { get; set; }

Gets the maximum size to buffer in memory when SuppressInputFormatterBuffering is not set.

NewtonsoftJsonInputFormatter buffers the input stream by default, buffering up to a certain amount in memory, before buffering to disk. This option configures the size in bytes that MVC will buffer in memory, before switching to disk.

public int OutputFormatterMemoryBufferThreshold { get; set; }

Gets the maximum size to buffer in memory when SuppressOutputFormatterBuffering is not set.

NewtonsoftJsonOutputFormatter buffers the output stream by default, buffering up to a certain amount in memory, before buffering to disk. This option configures the size in bytes that MVC will buffer in memory, before switching to disk.

public bool ReadJsonWithRequestCulture { get; set; }

Gets or sets a flag to determine whether the value of CurrentCulture for the current HTTP request is used for JSON deserialization by NewtonsoftJsonInputFormatter.

Gets the JsonSerializerSettings that are used by this application.