Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions by Microsoft

<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions" Version="9.0.0-preview.1.24080.9" />


Namespace with 22 public types


 ActivatorUtilitiesConstructorAttribute Marks the constructor to be used when activating type using .
 FromKeyedServicesAttribute Indicates that the parameter should be bound using the keyed service registered with the specified key.
 ServiceCollection Default implementation of .
 ServiceDescriptor Describes a service with its service type, implementation, and lifetime.
 ServiceKeyAttribute Specifies the parameter to inject the key that was used for registration or resolution.


 AsyncServiceScope A implementation that implements .


 ServiceLifetime Specifies the lifetime of a service in an .

 Static Classes

 ActivatorUtilities Helper code for the various activator services.
 KeyedService Provides static APIs for use with .
 ServiceCollectionServiceExtensions Extension methods for adding services to an .
 ServiceProviderKeyedServiceExtensions Provides extension methods for getting services from an .
 ServiceProviderServiceExtensions Extension methods for getting services from an .


 IKeyedServiceProvider Retrieves services using a key and a type.
 IServiceCollection Specifies the contract for a collection of service descriptors.
 IServiceProviderFactory`1 Provides an extension point for creating a container specific builder and an .
 IServiceProviderIsKeyedService Provides methods to determine if the specified type with the specified service key is available from the .
 IServiceProviderIsService Optional service used to determine if the specified type is available from the .
 IServiceScope The method ends the scope lifetime. Once Dispose is called, any scoped services that have been resolved from will be disposed.
 IServiceScopeFactory A factory for creating instances of , which is used to create services within a scope.
 ISupportRequiredService Optional contract used by to resolve services if supported by .