public sealed class StashboxContainer : IStashboxContainer, IDependencyRegistrator, IDependencyResolver, IServiceProvider, IAsyncDisposable, IDisposable, IDependencyReMapper, IDependencyCollectionRegistrator, IDecoratorRegistrator, IFuncRegistrator
Represents the Stashbox dependency injection container.
Stores the container context.
Constructs a StashboxContainer.
On the fly activates an object without registering it into the container. If you want to resolve a
registered service use the Resolve instead.
Begins a new scope.
Builds up an instance, the container will perform injections and extensions on it.
Checks a type can be resolved by the container.
Checks a type can be resolved by the container.
Composes services by calling the Compose method of the given type.
Composes services by calling the Compose method of the given root.
Configures the container.
Creates a child container.
Returns all registration mappings.
Checks a type is registered in the container.
Checks a type is registered in the container.
public IDependencyResolver PutInstanceInScope(Type typeFrom, object instance, bool withoutDisposalTracking = false, object name = null)
Puts an instance into the scope which will be dropped when the scope is being disposed.
public IStashboxContainer Register<TFrom, TTo>(Action<RegistrationConfigurator<TFrom, TTo>> configurator = null) where TTo : TFrom
Registers a type into the container with custom configuration.
public IStashboxContainer Register<TFrom>(Type typeTo, Action<RegistrationConfigurator<TFrom, TFrom>> configurator = null)
Registers a type into the container with custom configuration.
public IStashboxContainer Register(Type typeFrom, Type typeTo, Action<RegistrationConfigurator> configurator = null)
Registers a type into the container with custom configuration.
public IStashboxContainer Register<TTo>(Action<RegistrationConfigurator<TTo, TTo>> configurator = null)
Registers a type into the container with custom configuration.
public IStashboxContainer Register(Type typeTo, Action<RegistrationConfigurator> configurator = null)
Registers a type into the container with custom configuration.
public IStashboxContainer RegisterDecorator(Type typeFrom, Type typeTo, Action<DecoratorConfigurator> configurator = null)
Registers a decorator type into the container with custom configuration.
public IStashboxContainer RegisterFunc<TService>(Func<IDependencyResolver, TService> factory, string name = null)
Registers a service with a factory resolver.
public IStashboxContainer RegisterFunc<T1, TService>(Func<T1, IDependencyResolver, TService> factory, string name = null)
Registers a service with a factory resolver.
public IStashboxContainer RegisterFunc<T1, T2, TService>(Func<T1, T2, IDependencyResolver, TService> factory, string name = null)
Registers a service with a factory resolver.
public IStashboxContainer RegisterFunc<T1, T2, T3, TService>(Func<T1, T2, T3, IDependencyResolver, TService> factory, string name = null)
Registers a service with a factory resolver.
public IStashboxContainer RegisterFunc<T1, T2, T3, T4, TService>(Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, IDependencyResolver, TService> factory, string name = null)
Registers a service with a factory resolver.
public IStashboxContainer RegisterInstance<TInstance>(TInstance instance, object name = null, bool withoutDisposalTracking = false, Action<TInstance> finalizerDelegate = null)
Registers an already constructed instance into the container.
public IStashboxContainer RegisterInstance(object instance, Type serviceType, object name = null, bool withoutDisposalTracking = false)
Registers an already constructed instance into the container.
Registers an IResolver into the container.
public IStashboxContainer RegisterTypes(IEnumerable<Type> types, Func<Type, bool> selector = null, Action<RegistrationConfigurator> configurator = null)
Registers types into the container.
public IStashboxContainer RegisterTypesAs(Type typeFrom, IEnumerable<Type> types, Func<Type, bool> selector = null, Action<RegistrationConfigurator> configurator = null)
Registers types into the container mapped to an interface type.
public IStashboxContainer ReMap<TFrom, TTo>(Action<RegistrationConfigurator<TFrom, TTo>> configurator = null) where TTo : TFrom
Replaces an existing registration mapping.
public IStashboxContainer ReMap<TFrom>(Type typeTo, Action<RegistrationConfigurator<TFrom, TFrom>> configurator = null)
Replaces an existing registration mapping.
public IStashboxContainer ReMap(Type typeFrom, Type typeTo, Action<RegistrationConfigurator> configurator = null)
Replaces an existing registration mapping.
public IStashboxContainer ReMap<TTo>(Action<RegistrationConfigurator<TTo, TTo>> configurator = null)
Replaces an existing registration mapping.
public IStashboxContainer ReMapDecorator(Type typeFrom, Type typeTo, Action<DecoratorConfigurator> configurator = null)
Replaces an existing decorator mapping.
public object Resolve(Type typeFrom, bool nullResultAllowed = false, object[] dependencyOverrides = null)
Resolves an instance from the container.
public object Resolve(Type typeFrom, object name, bool nullResultAllowed = false, object[] dependencyOverrides = null)
Resolves an instance from the container.
Resolves all registered types of a service.
Resolves all registered types of a service.
public Delegate ResolveFactory(Type typeFrom, object name = null, bool nullResultAllowed = false, Type[] parameterTypes)
Returns a factory method which can be used to activate a type.
Validates the current state of the container.
public IStashboxContainer WireUp<TInstance>(TInstance instance, object name = null, bool withoutDisposalTracking = false, Action<TInstance> finalizerDelegate = null)
Registers an already constructed instance, but the container will perform injections and extensions on it.
public IStashboxContainer WireUp(object instance, Type serviceType, object name = null, bool withoutDisposalTracking = false)
Registers an already constructed instance, but the container will perform injections and extensions on it.