Stashbox by Peter Csajtai

<PackageReference Include="Stashbox" Version="5.0.1" />


public static class CollectionRegistratorExtensions
Represents the extension methods of IDependencyCollectionRegistrator.
public static IStashboxContainer ComposeAssemblies(this IDependencyCollectionRegistrator registrator, IEnumerable<Assembly> assemblies, Func<Type, bool> selector = null)

Scans the given assemblies for ICompositionRoot implementations and invokes their Compose method.

public static IStashboxContainer ComposeAssembly(this IDependencyCollectionRegistrator registrator, Assembly assembly, Func<Type, bool> selector = null)

Scans the given assembly for ICompositionRoot implementations and invokes their Compose method.

public static IStashboxContainer ComposeBy<TCompositionRoot>(this IDependencyCollectionRegistrator registrator, object[] compositionRootArguments) where TCompositionRoot : ICompositionRoot

Composes services by calling the Compose method of the given root.

public static IStashboxContainer RegisterAssemblies(this IDependencyCollectionRegistrator registrator, IEnumerable<Assembly> assemblies, Func<Type, bool> selector = null, Func<Type, Type, bool> serviceTypeSelector = null, bool registerSelf = true, Action<RegistrationConfigurator> configurator = null)

Registers types from an assembly collection.

public static IStashboxContainer RegisterAssembly(this IDependencyCollectionRegistrator registrator, Assembly assembly, Func<Type, bool> selector = null, Func<Type, Type, bool> serviceTypeSelector = null, bool registerSelf = true, Action<RegistrationConfigurator> configurator = null)

Registers types from an assembly.

public static IStashboxContainer RegisterAssemblyContaining<TFrom>(this IDependencyCollectionRegistrator registrator, Func<Type, bool> selector = null, Func<Type, Type, bool> serviceTypeSelector = null, bool registerSelf = true, Action<RegistrationConfigurator> configurator = null)

Registers types from an assembly that contains the given service type.

public static IStashboxContainer RegisterAssemblyContaining(this IDependencyCollectionRegistrator registrator, Type typeFrom, Func<Type, bool> selector = null, Func<Type, Type, bool> serviceTypeSelector = null, bool registerSelf = true, Action<RegistrationConfigurator> configurator = null)

Registers types from an assembly that contains the given service type.

public static IStashboxContainer RegisterTypesAs<TFrom>(this IDependencyCollectionRegistrator registrator, IEnumerable<Type> types, Func<Type, bool> selector = null, Action<RegistrationConfigurator> configurator = null)

Registers a collection of types mapped to a service type.

public static IStashboxContainer RegisterTypesAs<TFrom>(this IDependencyCollectionRegistrator registrator, Assembly assembly, Func<Type, bool> selector = null, Action<RegistrationConfigurator> configurator = null)

Registers a collection of types mapped to a service type.

public static IStashboxContainer RegisterTypesAs(this IDependencyCollectionRegistrator registrator, Type typeFrom, Assembly assembly, Func<Type, bool> selector = null, Action<RegistrationConfigurator> configurator = null)

Registers a collection of types mapped to a service type.