public interface IStashboxContainer : IDependencyRegistrator, IDependencyResolver, IServiceProvider, IAsyncDisposable, IDisposable, IDependencyReMapper, IDependencyCollectionRegistrator, IDecoratorRegistrator, IFuncRegistrator
Represents a dependency injection container.
Child containers created by this container.
The container context.
Configures the container.
IStashboxContainer CreateChildContainer(Action<ContainerConfigurator> config = null, bool attachToParent = true)
Creates a child container.
IStashboxContainer CreateChildContainer(object identifier, Action<IStashboxContainer> config = null, bool attachToParent = true)
Creates a child container.
Returns the child container identified by identifier.
Returns the details about the registrations.
Returns all registration mappings.
Checks whether a type is registered in the container.
Checks whether a type is registered in the container.
Registers an IResolver.
void Validate()
Validates the current state of the container.