Xamarin.Forms by Microsoft

<PackageReference Include="Xamarin.Forms" Version="" />


Namespace with 19 public types


 BlurEffectStyle Enumerates blur effect styles.
 LargeTitleDisplayMode Enumerates preferences for displaying large titles.
 SeparatorStyle Enumerates list view separator styles.
 StatusBarHiddenMode Enumerates status bar hiding behavior preferences.
 StatusBarTextColorMode Enumerates text color adjustment options for the status bar.
 UIModalPresentationStyle Enumerates valid modal presentation styles.
 UIStatusBarAnimation Enumerates animation styles for status bar updates.
 UpdateMode Enumerates values that control whether elements in a picker are continuously updated while scrolling or updated once after scrolling has completed.

 Static Classes

 Application Provides control over simultaneous recognition for pan gesture recognizers.
 Entry The entry instance that Xamarin.Forms created on the iOS platform.
 ListView Provides access to the separator style for list views on the iOS platform.
 NavigationPage The navigation page instance that Xamarin.Forms created on the iOS platform.
 Page The page instance that Xamarin.Forms created on the iOS platform.
 Picker The picker instance that Xamarin.Forms created on the iOS platform.
 ScrollView The scroll view instance that Xamarin.Forms created on the iOS platform.
 Slider Platform-specific functionality for sliders the iOS platform.
 VisualElement Provides access to the blur effect, shadow effect, and legacy color mode on the iOS platform.