DotNext.Reflection by Roman Sakno

<PackageReference Include="DotNext.Reflection" Version="3.2.1" />

.NET API 162,816 bytes


public sealed class Constructor<TSignature> : ConstructorInfo, IConstructor<TSignature>, IMethod<ConstructorInfo, TSignature>, IMember<ConstructorInfo, TSignature>, IMember<ConstructorInfo>, ICustomAttributeProvider, ISupplier<TSignature>, IEquatable<ConstructorInfo> where TSignature : MulticastDelegate
Provides constructor definition based on delegate signature.
public static TSignature op_Implicit(Constructor<TSignature> ctor)

Extracts delegate which can be used to invoke this constructor.

public bool Equals(ConstructorInfo other)

Determines whether this constructor is equal to the given constructor.