DotNext.Reflection by Roman Sakno

<PackageReference Include="DotNext.Reflection" Version="3.2.1" />

.NET API 162,816 bytes


public sealed class Property<TValue> : PropertyBase<TValue>, IProperty<TValue>, IProperty, IMember<PropertyInfo>, ICustomAttributeProvider
Provides typed access to static property.
public Method<MemberGetter<TValue>> GetMethod { get; }

Gets property getter.

public Method<MemberSetter<TValue>> SetMethod { get; }

Gets property setter.

public TValue Value { get; set; }

Gets or sets property value.

public static MemberGetter<TValue> op_Implicit(Property<TValue> property)

Obtains property getter in the form of the delegate instance.

public static MemberSetter<TValue> op_Implicit(Property<TValue> property)

Obtains property setter in the form of the delegate instance.