DynamoVisualProgramming.ZeroTouchLibrary by Autodesk

<PackageReference Include="DynamoVisualProgramming.ZeroTouchLibrary" Version="3.5.0-beta7896" />


public class Cone : Solid
public Point EndPoint { get; }

The end point

public double EndRadius { get; }

The radius at the bottom

public double Height { get; }

The total height

public double RadiusRatio { get; }

Ratio between the top and bottom radius

public Point StartPoint { get; }

The start point

public double StartRadius { get; }

The radius at the base

public static Cone ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadii(CoordinateSystem cs, double height = 1, double startRadius = 1, double endRadius = 1)

Creates a Cone with base Point at CoordinateSystem origin, extending in the CoordinateSystem Z axis deriction length amount, with a circular bases in the CoordinateSystem XY Plane.

public static Cone ByCoordinateSystemHeightRadius(CoordinateSystem cs, double height = 1, double startRadius = 1)

Creates a Cone with base Point at CoordinateSystem origin, extending in the CoordinateSystem Z axis deriction length amount, with a circular base in the CoordinateSystem XY Plane.

public static Cone ByPointsRadii(Point startPoint, Point endPoint, double startRadius = 1, double endRadius = 1)

Create a Cone with axis from start Point to end Point, with given radiuses at start and end. This object does not have an apex, and can be thought of as a trimmed Cone.

public static Cone ByPointsRadius(Point startPoint, Point endPoint, double startRadius = 1)

Create a Cone with given base radius at start Point, extending to a apex at end Point.