DynamoVisualProgramming.ZeroTouchLibrary by Autodesk

<PackageReference Include="DynamoVisualProgramming.ZeroTouchLibrary" Version="3.5.0-beta7896" />


public class Ellipse : Curve
public Point CenterPoint { get; }

The center of the Ellipse

public Vector MajorAxis { get; }

The major axis of the Ellipse. This is the longer axis. The length of the Vector is the Major radius.

public Vector MinorAxis { get; }

The minor axis of the Ellipse. This is the shorter axis. The length of the Vector is the Minor radius.

public static Ellipse ByCoordinateSystemRadii(CoordinateSystem origin, double xAxisRadius = 1, double yAxisRadius = 1)

Create an Ellipse centered and aligned with input CoordinateSystem, with a x_radius radius in the CS X direction, and y_radius radius in the CS Y direction.

public static Ellipse ByOriginRadii(Point origin, double xAxisRadius = 1, double yAxisRadius = 1)

Create an Ellipse centered at input Point, aligned with WCS XY Plane, with specified X and Y axis radii.

public static Ellipse ByOriginVectors(Point origin, Vector xAxisRadius, Vector yAxisRadius)

Create an Ellipse centered at input Point, with two specified axes. Axes should be be at 90 degrees to each other.

public static Ellipse ByPlaneRadii(Plane plane, double xAxisRadius = 1, double yAxisRadius = 1)

Create an Ellipse centered and aligned with input Plane, with a x_radius radius in the Plane X axis direction, and y_radius radius in the Plane Y axis direction.