Xamarin.CommunityToolkit by Microsoft

<PackageReference Include="Xamarin.CommunityToolkit" Version="2.0.6" />

.NET API 366,512 bytes


Namespace with 59 public types


 BoolToObjectConverter Converts boolean to object and vice versa.
 BoolToObjectConverter`1 Converts to object and vice versa.
 ByteArrayToImageSourceConverter Converts the incoming value from [] and returns the object of a type or vice versa.
 ColorToBlackKeyConverter Converts the incoming value from and returns the object of a type .
 ColorToBlackOrWhiteConverter Converts the incoming value from and returns the object of a type .
 ColorToByteAlphaConverter Converts the incoming value from and returns the object of a type .
 ColorToByteBlueConverter Converts the incoming value from and returns the object of a type .
 ColorToByteGreenConverter Converts the incoming value from and returns the object of a type .
 ColorToByteRedConverter Converts the incoming value from and returns the object of a type .
 ColorToCmykaStringConverter Converts the incoming value from and returns the object of a type .
 ColorToCmykStringConverter Converts the incoming value from and returns the object of a type .
 ColorToColorForTextConverter Converts the incoming value from and returns the object of a type .
 ColorToDegreeHueConverter Converts the incoming value from and returns the object of a type .
 ColorToGrayScaleColorConverter Converts the incoming value from and returns the object of a type .
 ColorToHexRgbaStringConverter Converts the incoming value from and returns the object of a type and virce-versa.
 ColorToHexRgbStringConverter Converts the incoming value from and returns the object of a type and virce-versa.
 ColorToHslaStringConverter Converts the incoming value from and returns the object of a type .
 ColorToHslStringConverter Converts the incoming value from and returns the object of a type .
 ColorToInverseColorConverter Converts the incoming value from and returns the object of a type .
 ColorToPercentCyanConverter Converts the incoming value from and returns the object of a type .
 ColorToPercentMagentaConverter Converts the incoming value from and returns the object of a type .
 ColorToPercentYellowConverter Converts the incoming value from and returns the object of a type .
 ColorToRgbaStringConverter Converts the incoming value from and returns the object of a type .
 ColorToRgbStringConverter Converts the incoming value from and returns the object of a type .
 CompareConverter Converts an object that implements IComparable to an object or a boolean based on a comparison.
 DateTimeOffsetConverter Converts to and back.
 DoubleToIntConverter Converts to and vice versa.
 EnumToBoolConverter Convert an to corresponding
 EnumToIntConverter Converts an to its underlying value.
 EqualConverter Checks whether the incoming value equals the provided parameter.
 ImageResourceConverter Converts embedded image resource ID to it ImageSource.
 IndexToArrayItemConverter Converts an index to corresponding array item and vice versa.
 IntToBoolConverter Converts an to corresponding and vice versa.
 InvertedBoolConverter Converts true to false and false to true. Simple as that!
 IsInRangeConverter Checks if the value is between minValue and maxValue, returning true if the value is within the range and false if the value is out of the range.
 IsNotNullOrEmptyConverter Converts the incoming value to a indicating whether or not the value is not null and not empty.
 IsNullOrEmptyConverter Converts the incoming value to a indicating whether or not the value is null or empty.
 ItemSelectedEventArgsConverter Converts/Extracts the incoming value from object and returns the value of property from it.
 ItemTappedEventArgsConverter Converts/Extracts the incoming value from object and returns the value of property from it.
 ListIsNotNullOrEmptyConverter Converts the incoming value to a indicating whether or not the value is not null and not empty.
 ListIsNullOrEmptyConverter Converts the incoming value to a indicating whether or not the value is null or empty.
 ListToStringConverter Concatenates the members of a collection, using the specified separator between each member.
 MultiConverter Converts an incoming value using all of the incoming converters in sequence.
 MultiConverterParameter Represents a parameter to be used in the .
 NotEqualConverter Checks whether the incoming value doesn't equal the provided parameter.
 StateToBooleanConverter This converter can be used with to determine if a certain state is visible. This can be useful, for instance, in scenarios where you want to show/hide certain elements based on the current .CurrentState. Additionally a can be supplied in the parameter of the Convert method to compare against that.
 StringToListConverter Returns a string array that contains the substrings in this string that are delimited by .
 TextCaseConverter Converts text (string, char) to certain case as specified with or the parameter of the Convert method.
 TimeSpanToDoubleConverter Converts a to a value expressed in seconds.
 UtcDateTimeToLocalStringConverter Converts the incoming value to a local time represenation in the datetime format provided.
 VariableMultiValueConverter The is a converter that allows users to convert multiple value bindings to a single . It does this by enabling them to specify whether All, Any, None or a specific number of values are true as specified in . This is useful when combined with the .


 TextCaseType The text cases that can be used with to convert text to a specific case.

 Abstract Classes

 BaseConverter`2 Abstract class used to implement converters that implements the ConvertBack logic.
 BaseConverterOneWay`2 Abstract class used to implement converters that do not implement the ConvertBack logic.
 BaseNullableConverter`2 Abstract class used to implement converters that supports null and implements the ConvertBack logic.
 BaseNullableConverterOneWay`2 Abstract class used to implement converters that support null and do not implement the ConvertBack logic.
 CompareConverter`1 Converts an object that implements IComparable to an object or a boolean based on a comparison.