Xamarin.CommunityToolkit by Microsoft

<PackageReference Include="Xamarin.CommunityToolkit" Version="2.0.6" />

.NET API 366,512 bytes


Namespace with 64 public types


 AvatarView The control allows the user to display an avatar or the user's initials if no avatar is available. By binding the property the user can assign an image to the . Simultaneously binding the property will allow the user to also set the initials to be shown if no valid image is provided.
 BadgeAnimation This is the default animation that is used when the is set to true.
 BadgeView The allows the user to show a badge with a string value on top of any control. By wrapping a control in a control, you can show a badge value on top of it. This is very much like the badges you see on the app icons on iOS and Android.
 ColorTheme The can be used to make the have a consistent look. A theme consists of a set of colors that are used and applied to a variety of properties on the . You can also implement your own theme by implementing the interface.
 DockLayout The makes it easy to dock content in all four directions (top, bottom, left and right). This makes it a great choice in many situations, where you want to divide the screen into specific areas, especially because by default, the last element inside the , unless this feature is specifically disabled, will automatically fill the rest of the space (center). Inspired by WPF DockPanel: https://docs.microsoft.com/dotnet/api/system.windows.controls.dockpanel?view=netframework-4.8
 DrawingLineCompletedEventArgs Contains last drawing line
 DrawingView The DrawingView allows you to draw one or multiple lines on a canvas
 HexLayout A Layout that arranges the elements in a honeycomb pattern. Based on https://github.com/AlexanderSharykin/HexGrid. Created by Alexander Sharykin.
 LazyView`1 This a basic implementation of the LazyView based on use this an exemple to create yours
 Line The Line object is used to describe the lines that are drawn on a .
 Popup Default popup implementation that uses a generic result.
 PopupDismissedEventArgs Popup dismissed event arguments used when a popup is dismissed.
 PopupDismissedEventArgs`1 Popup dismissed event arguments used when a popup is dismissed.
 PopupOpenedEventArgs Popup opened event arguments used when a popup is opened.
 Shield The is a type of badge that has two colored sections that contain text
 UniformGrid The UniformGrid is just like the Grid, with the possibility of multiple rows and columns, but with one important difference: All rows and columns will have the same size. Use this when you need the Grid behavior without the need to specify different sizes for the rows and columns.


 BadgePosition Determines the position where the badge will be shown on top of .
 Dock Possible values in what direction a child element will be docked in within the ,

 Static Classes

 Extensions Extension methods to support

 Abstract Classes

 BaseLazyView Abstract base class for
 BasePopup The popup control's base implementation.


 IBadgeAnimation You can implement this interface to create your own animations to be used on the . Create an implementation of , assign the implemenatation to the and set to true.
 IColorTheme By implementing the you can compose your own theme that can be used with the to create a consistent look. Assign the implementation of this interface to the property to use it.