The center point of the arc
The radius of the arc
The start angle in degrees
The total sweep angle in degrees
Create an arc that best approximates a collection of points
public static Arc ByCenterPointRadiusAngle(Point center, double radius, double startAngle, double endAngle, Vector normal)
Create an arc by providing it's center point, radius, angle sweep, and normal vector
public static Arc ByCenterPointStartPointEndPoint(Point centerPoint, Point startPoint, Point endPoint)
Create an arc by providing it's center point, start point, and end point
public static Arc ByCenterPointStartPointSweepAngle(Point centerPoint, Point startPoint, double sweepAngle, Vector normal)
Create an arc by providing it's center point, start point, sweep point, and normal
Create an arc by filleting twp curves with given radius
Create an arc by filleting two curves tangent to given curve at internal point
public static Arc[] ByStartEndAndTangencies(Point point1, Vector vector1, Point point2, Vector vector2)
Create an arc or tangent bi arc by start and end points and tangencies at start and end
public static Arc ByStartPointEndPointStartTangent(Point startPoint, Point endPoint, Vector startTangent)
Create an Arc from start Point to end Point with start tangent to Vector
Create an arc by providing three sequential points along its circumference.