The CoordinateSystem that this BoundingBox is defined in
The maximum point
The minimum point
Creates the an axis-aligned BoundingBox spanning between the minimum Point and the maximum Point.
Constructs a BoundingBox from minimum coordinates (lower-left-rear corner of the box), to maximum coordinates (upper-right-front corner of the box). CoordinateSystem is the transform FROM the coordinate space of the box TO the model space. This method is designed to match Revit's API, allowing you to extract out the parameters from a Revit BoundingBox without any conversions.
Create an axis-aligned BoundingBox around input Geometry.
Create an axis-aligned BoundingBox around input Geometries.
Create a non-axis-aligned BoundingBox around input Geometry, oriented in the X, Y, and Z axis of the CoordinateSystem.
public static BoundingBox ByGeometryCoordinateSystem(IEnumerable<Geometry> geom, CoordinateSystem cs)
Create a non-axis-aligned BoundingBox around input Geometries, oriented in the X, Y, and Z axis of the CoordinateSystem.
Determine if a point is inside of the BoundingBox
Get the intersection of two BoundingBoxes
Determine whether two BoundingBoxes intersect
Determine if the BoundingBox is empty
Get the BoundingBox as a Solid Cuboid
Get the BoundingBox as a collection of Surfaces