MahApps.Metro by Jan Karger, Dennis Daume, Brendan Forster, Paul Jenkins, Jake Ginnivan, Alex Mitchell

<PackageReference Include="MahApps.Metro" Version="2.1.1" />

.NET API 3,425,904 bytes


public class MetroWindow : Window
An extended, metrofied Window class.

public static readonly DependencyProperty FlyoutsProperty

public static readonly RoutedEvent FlyoutsStatusChangedEvent

public static readonly DependencyProperty GlowBrushProperty

Identifies the IgnoreTaskbarOnMaximize dependency property.

Identifies the IsAnyDialogOpen dependency property.

Identifies the IsCloseButtonEnabledWithDialog dependency property.

DependencyProperty for KeepBorderOnMaximize.

Identifies the OverlayFadeIn dependency property.

Identifies the OverlayFadeOut dependency property.

DependencyProperty for ResizeBorderThickness.

DependencyProperty for TryToBeFlickerFree.

protected IntPtr CriticalHandle { get; }

public Brush FlyoutOverlayBrush { get; set; }

Gets or sets the brush used for the Flyouts overlay.

public FlyoutsControl Flyouts { get; set; }

Gets/sets the FlyoutsControl that hosts the window's flyouts.

public Brush GlowBrush { get; set; }

Gets/sets the brush used for the Window's glow.

Gets/sets bitmap scaling mode of the titlebar icon.

public EdgeMode IconEdgeMode { get; set; }

Gets/sets edge mode of the titlebar icon.

public OverlayBehavior IconOverlayBehavior { get; set; }

public MultiFrameImageMode IconScalingMode { get; set; }

Gets/sets icon scaling mode of the titlebar.

public DataTemplate IconTemplate { get; set; }

Gets/sets the icon content template to show a custom icon.

public bool IgnoreTaskbarOnMaximize { get; set; }

Defines if the Taskbar should be ignored when maximizing a Window. This only works with WindowStyle = None.

public bool IsAnyDialogOpen { get; }

Gets whether one or more dialogs are shown.

public bool IsCloseButtonEnabled { get; set; }

Gets/sets if the close button is enabled.

public bool IsCloseButtonEnabledWithDialog { get; }

Gets or sets whether if the close button should be enabled or not if a dialog is shown.

public bool IsMaxRestoreButtonEnabled { get; set; }

Gets/sets if the max/restore button is enabled.

public bool IsMinButtonEnabled { get; set; }

Gets/sets if the min button is enabled.

public bool IsWindowDraggable { get; set; }

public bool KeepBorderOnMaximize { get; set; }

Gets/sets if the border thickness value should be kept on maximize if the MaxHeight/MaxWidth of the window is less than the monitor resolution.

public WindowCommands LeftWindowCommands { get; set; }

Gets/sets the left window commands that hosts the user commands.

public Brush NonActiveBorderBrush { get; set; }

Gets/sets the brush used for the Window's non-active border.

public Brush NonActiveGlowBrush { get; set; }

Gets/sets the brush used for the Window's non-active glow.

public Brush NonActiveWindowTitleBrush { get; set; }

Gets/sets the brush used for the Window's non-active title bar.

public Brush OverlayBrush { get; set; }

Gets/sets the brush used for the dialog overlay.

public Storyboard OverlayFadeIn { get; set; }

Gets or sets the overlay fade in storyboard.

public Storyboard OverlayFadeOut { get; set; }

Gets or sets the overlay fade out storyboard.

public double OverlayOpacity { get; set; }

Gets/sets the opacity used for the dialog overlay.

Allows easy handling of window commands brush. Theme is also applied based on this brush.

public Thickness ResizeBorderThickness { get; set; }

Gets or sets resize border thickness. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...

public WindowCommands RightWindowCommands { get; set; }

Gets/sets the right window commands that hosts the user commands.

public bool SaveWindowPosition { get; set; }

Gets/sets whether the window will save it's position between loads.

public bool ShowCloseButton { get; set; }

Gets or sets whether if the close button is visible.

public bool ShowDialogsOverTitleBar { get; set; }

Get/sets whether dialogs show over the title bar.

public bool ShowIconOnTitleBar { get; set; }

Get/sets whether the titlebar icon is visible or not.

public bool ShowMaxRestoreButton { get; set; }

Gets or sets whether if the maximize/restore button is visible and the maximize/restore system menu is enabled.

public bool ShowMinButton { get; set; }

Gets or sets whether if the minimize button is visible and the minimize system menu is enabled.

public bool ShowSystemMenu { get; set; }

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the system menu should popup with left mouse click on the window icon.

public bool ShowSystemMenuOnRightClick { get; set; }

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the system menu should popup with right mouse click if the mouse position is on title bar or on the entire window if it has no title bar (and no title bar height).

public bool ShowTitleBar { get; set; }

Gets/sets whether the TitleBar is visible or not.

public HorizontalAlignment TitleAlignment { get; set; }

Gets/sets the title horizontal alignment.

public int TitleBarHeight { get; set; }

Gets/sets the TitleBar's height.

Character casing of the title

public Brush TitleForeground { get; set; }

Gets/sets the brush used for the titlebar's foreground.

public DataTemplate TitleTemplate { get; set; }

Gets/sets the title content template to show a custom title.

public bool TryToBeFlickerFree { get; set; }

Gets or sets wether the resizing of the window should be tried in a way that does not cause flicker/jitter, especially when resizing from the left side.

public bool UseNoneWindowStyle { get; set; }

Gets/sets whether the WindowStyle is None or not.

Gets/sets the window button commands that hosts the min/max/close commands.

public Brush WindowTitleBrush { get; set; }

Gets/sets the brush used for the Window's title bar.

public bool WindowTransitionsEnabled { get; set; }

Gets/sets whether the window's entrance transition animation is enabled.

public MetroWindow()

Initializes a new instance of the MahApps.Metro.Controls.MetroWindow class.

Gets the window placement settings (can be overwritten).

public void HideOverlay()

Begins to hide the MetroWindow's overlay effect.

public bool IsOverlayVisible()

public void ResetStoredFocus()

Clears the stored element which would get the focus after closing a dialog.

public void ShowOverlay()

Begins to show the MetroWindow's overlay effect.

public void StoreFocus(IInputElement thisElement = null)

Stores the given element, or the last focused element via FocusManager, for restoring the focus after closing a dialog.